Chapter twenty

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A/N: i have made the decision that after this chapter there will be no more until new years apart from Christmas day where i will post two chapters as i have had major writing block and don't have many chapter left that have already been written thank you for understanding and as always keep an eye out on my page for any announcements or anything like that xx

S: Yeah of course she can, I can also sort it so she can come to games with us and if she's well trained enough, she can sit with me on the sidelines when you're playing if that's alright.

R: Oh my god, yes please that would be awesome, thank you so much

S: It's no problem, I'll see you soon

Today was a big day for the team. The North London Derby. We are playing at the Emirates today in front of 47,000 people. I woke up this morning in a good mood, if I'm lucky Jonas said I might be able to play in this game. He was a bit hesitant at first, as was the rest of the team, as London derbies can get a bit physical, but once I told him I was ready for it he said he might sub me on at half time.

Getting into the zone I get ready into my tracksuit which we are asked to wear on game days. Downstairs I find Leah, Beth and Viv all standing in the kitchen talking, Katie stood by the toaster probably making her breakfast. I walk over to the cupboard and look for my porridge, when I see that it has been put on the top shelf, I huff and start to climb on the side to get it.

Once I retrieve my breakfast I turn to see all of the girls looking at me confused.

"What?" I say hopping off the counter top

"You do know there's some in the bottom cupboard, right?" Beth says

"No" I said with a shocked look on my face "why did none of you stop me?"

"Cause it was funny, plus I got a picture" Katie says turning her phone round showing me her instagram story

We've all eaten our breakfast after laughing at the picture of me climbing on the side, and now we're ready to get in the car. Well I am, the rest of them are still getting their shoes on, so I take it upon myself and grab the car keys and unlock the car for myself, throwing the keys back onto the shoe rack and going to take my seat in the car after saying goodbye to Coco who was being looked after by a friend of Leah's who isn't going to the game.

I decided that I would sit in the front today as I am the first person ready, plus I want to put my music on. I think Leah offered to drive today. Once everyone was in the car I connected my phone to the car and started playing my pre-match playlist, which consisted of everything from country to pop.

Driving towards the Emirates we were all screaming the lyrics as loud as we could. Arriving in the car park, Does your mother know ABBA, had just finished playing. As we pulled up into the players carpark the rest of the team were congregated by the doors waiting to go in together. They all cheered as we got out of the car,




Were the only sentences I heard, whilst grabbing my bag off Viv and making my way across the car park to the rest of the team. We were the last ones to get to the stadium as we lived the furthest away. Once we had all made it across to the group, we walked into the stadium and put our bags in the changing room before going to the meeting room where Jonas wanted us to go.

"Right girls today we are going to have a slight change in the formation of the starting lineup as well as a few player changes. So, in goal in Manu, then the back four are Katie, Jen, Leah and Noelle then our three midfielders are Frida, Lia and Kim then the front three is going to be Beth and Viv as our wingers then as our striker Rosie" As soon as I hear this my head whips to look in his direction

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