Chapter thirty

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A/N: SUPRISE!!! I've been writing loads recently i think i have gotten over my writers block but just be aware if i go MIA around May-June its because i have exams but i will try to post at least once every two weeks .

I'm not gonna lie to you I actually cried writing this. Not even just a few tears like full on sobbing but anyways as always hope you guys like it and let me know what you think in the comments 

107th min- 'And its Magull with the ball she's running with it she passes it to Schuller and its in, barely making it into the corner of the goal Mary Earps just a second to late'

118th min- 'And its a goal kick for England, Earps to Williamson, a long ball from Williamson to Rosie, she's going for it straight up the middle of the pitch completely dismissing Hendrich as she reaches the penalty area its just her and the goalkeeper, she shoots AND ITS IN! What a goal from the birthday girl the subs bench going crazy along with the players on the pitch'

Rosie's POV

We did it.

European champions for the first time.

I scored the winning goal.

Oh my god!

As soon as I heard the final whistle blow I just broke down, happy tears of course. My knees buckled out of exhaustion as I led down on the floor, my hands covering my face. The crowd went wild singing 'Sweet Caroline'.

I could feel someone running up to me as I uncovered my eyes, Ellen jumped on top of me followed by the rest of the squad as well as the people who were on the sub bench. Soon enough I felt like I couldn't breath from the amount of people on top of me

"I-I cant breath!" I shouted as we all laughed and everyone got off me, Ellen giving me a squeeze before she got up. Beth stood by the side of me with her hand out to pull me up as Leah had already run off to see her mum and dad. As she pulled me up and I have her a squeeze as she picked me up slightly and whispered into my ear

"I'm so proud of you Ro and I'm sure he would be too" She whispered, spinning me round in a circle until I spotted someone in the crowd.

"No" I whispered in disbelief as Beth let me out of her grip, and stood to see where I was looking with a massive grin on her face.

"Go get your girl Ro" She said as I ran across the pitch, as soon as I started getting closer the security guard noticed which direction I was running in and let Lauryn, Katie and the arsenal girls onto the pitch.

I ran into Lauryn's arms as she spun me round.

"I can't believe you're here, I thought you were still back home" I whispered to her as I nuzzled my head into her neck.

"It's like we're not even here guys" Katie said sarcastically as she wiped away a fake tear putting her arms around Caitlin and Lia. As I unwrapped myself from Lauryn's arms we all laughed.

I walked towards her as she held her arms out. I made my way round the rest of the girls, some of them, Kim and Jen, squeezing me a bit longer than the rest.

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