Chapter eighteen

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"I call dibs on the window seat" I say as she goes on to choose our seats to make sure we are sat next to each other.

"Yeah, alright then" She says laughing at my enthusiasm, just for a window seat.

It's now a few days later and I'm walking back into training with Viv and Beth, Katie and Leah not that far behind us. We pass some of the staff walking to the changing rooms when Morgan, one of the media people, comes jogging up to me with her assistant holding a bunch of different wires, as well as a mic pack.

"Hi Rosie"She says trying to catch her breath a little bit

"Hi" I say confused

"We were wondering if you would be willing for us to put a mic on you for today's training session for a video" Her assistant, Sam says as she was too out of breath to speak

"Yeah, you just gotta let me get changed first"

"Yeah no worries just come and find me once your ready and I'll get you set up"

"OK bye" I say walking into the changing room after Viv and Beth who had gone in once Morgan and Sam started talking to me.

"Hey, what did the media people want you for" Beth says to me as I walk over to my cubby which is right in between her's and Viv's,

"They were asking if I would mind being mic'd up for training today so I agreed" I said opening my bag trying to find my training top. I eventually gave up after finding out that I had not packed it. "Does anyone have a spare training top I can wear" , everyone who is now ready looks through their bags and most of the girls say no, until it gets to Jen who holds one up.

"I've got one for you bug" She says, I go to grab it off her and get changed whilst everyone heads out to start warming up. When I walk out onto the pitches everyone starts laughing at me.

"That is drowning you Ro" Laura says trying to stifle her laugh.

"I know it is, stop laughing at me" I say huffing, trying to find Morgan or Sam to get mic'd up. Eventually I find Sam speaking with the new apprentice on the media team.

"Hola, my favourite assistant" I say bounding up to her as she finishes up her conversation, As she turns around she starts to laugh at me "stop laughing, i know it's drowning me i forgot mine so i've had to put Jen's on but i'm ready to be mic'd up"

"Alright then" she says slightly laughing ",would you mind if our apprentice Pheobe does it just so she knows"

"Of course not" I say as she starts explaining what Pheobe needs to do. After a few minutes I'm all mic'd up and ready to go.

At the start of training when the rest of the girls and most of the staff walk out of the building, I decide I'm going to annoy them all today, by singing Baby Shark. I think I might make someone want to punch me though.

Whilst we were doing warm ups I started singing the first part of the song even doing the hand actions, everyone looked at me with different expressions however, if looks could kill, the look I was getting off Katie is probably enough to send me all the way to the bottom pits of hell.

I just laugh at them all choosing to spread the song out throughout the morning session.

"Have you ever listened to Strawberry kisses, the Aussie girls love it especially Steph" I say to Lotte whilst waiting our turn for the shooting practice we are now doing.

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