Chapter seventeen

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When Kim says her sister in law can help me with the legal stuff I subconsciously let out a sigh of relief. I take note in my head to message her about it when I get home. Knowing that Beth and Viv are happy with the news, I start my car and make my way home.

Still Leah's POV

I have been keeping in contact with the girls, and i also sent a message to a separate group chat with all of the England girls just to keep them in the loop. It's all going well so far i managed to get into contact with Kim's sister in law Gavina or Gav as everyone calls her.

Everyone's been acting normal with Rosie so I'm glad. However she has been acting a bit weird this week, she's slept in her own bed all week and she goes straight to bed after tea. I tried talking to her but she didn't budge. It's like she's giving me karma but I know somethings up and I can just feel it.

Rosie's POV

I don't know what's been wrong with me recently, I don't think I can do it anymore. It's just so tiring waking up in the morning and going to school then having it raining straight after or the other way round, with no break in between. It's starting to take its toll on me.

I do think Leah's noticed, she's a very observant person. The rest of the girls haven't noticed yet tho, i don't think they have anyway.

Sometimes I get these random thoughts in my head telling me to just run away and never come back. Or just quit football and move back in with my mum. I've been having nightmares too, bad ones at that. Some days they aren't as bad and I can get back to sleep easily, but then there's other times that I wake up with the sweats and I can't get back to sleep afterwards so I just lay and scroll on tiktok until Leah comes to wake me up when I pretend I've been asleep all night.

I've only been getting the bad ones more recently so I decided that I should start sleeping in my own bed for once, and to prevent them waking up and then I'm forced to tell them about my nightmares and the voices in my head.

Last night was a bad one so I knew this one would probably be worse, I'm hoping it's not though.

As I make my way in from school I walk right past the living room where everyone else is and just make my way upstairs, the usual for the last week or so. I hear Leah walking into the living room and the girls asking where I am, when she tells them they all just let out a sigh.

I wish I could tell them I really do, but I don't want to be a burden. It's already enough hard work, driving me to and from school then driving me to training and picking me up from school to go to training. It must be tiring, I'm surprised they haven't asked me to start walking yet.

At dinner I don't say anything or involve myself in any of the conversation at the table, I just nod my head along not really listening. As soon as everyone was finished I asked if I could go back to my room.

"Yeah of course you can Ro" Leah says softly smiling at me, all I can muster up is a tight lipped smile and then I make my way up the stairs. I can feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head. Probably trying to figure out why I'm acting so weird.

Trying to get to sleep is a nightmare in itself, but I eventually doze off.

"You should be the one that died not your father" My mother says stepping towards me

"I should have sent you to the shop with him then maybe you'd both be dead"

"Please no mum, I promise it wasn't my fault" I say sobbing trying to get as far away as i could

"Yes it was, it was all your fault" She says getting closer by the second, as soon as she gets within arms reach of me she brings her arm up and slaps me across the face as hard as she could, my head whipping to the side on impact.  "Stop crying like a baby"

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