Chapter 16: I'm With You

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Chapter 16: I’m With You

It wasn’t until a few moments after that I realized I was frozen in place. The rain was now pouring harder now, I noticed, and his body was cold except for the hands that were gripping tightly onto my shirt. His eyes wavered slightly, as if he didn’t know where he was supposed to be looking. Any direct eye contact with my face and his whole face, all the way up to his ears, would light up a bright red. I also noticed that he was he was shaking, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

“Let’s get you inside before you catch another one of those “colds”,” I said.

I drifted my hand toward the handle and flung the door open. When we walked inside I could hear the sound of the rain dripping from our clothes and the heavy breaths that Britain was making behind me. I didn’t dare look at him now. The few kisses we had before we always very short and though they had feeling I never really felt it this extreme before. He was putting all his heart out towards me and all I could do was stand there. I was afraid to give my heart away, especially to the one I cared about most.

“Why? Why do you always run away from me?” England’s voice cut deep into my soul, a low whisper that echoed in my ears.

“Britain this is hardly the same thing. I mean that was a long time ago, things were different.” I tried to make an excuse.

England raged, pounding a fist into my back. “Don’t you give me that, you idiot!”

Then I heard the worse sound I could ever imagine. I heard him suck in a deep breath as he tried to hold back whatever emotions he was letting out. I heard a few more drops hit the floor and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I hated to see someone so precious to me cry. What made me feel even worse was that it was my fault that he was crying now.

I turned around, drifting my hand to his cheek. “You’re right I am an idiot. In fact, I’m an idiot who doesn’t really know what he should do. I don’t want you to fall for somebody like me.”

England placed his hand over mine as I used my thumb to wipe away his tears. A slight smile transformed his face. “It’s a little late for that now, idiot. You are impossible to resist.”

I was surprised by his choice of words that seemed to make my heart skip a beat. The brit had practically just confessed his love to me and I had no words to give back to him. He was always stealing the cool lines. I sighed a small sigh as I smiled. Some things would never change about him, and I never wanted them too.

I pulled him in closer, opening up my arms. “Come here.”

He didn’t even hesitate to run into them and dig his head into my shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and I wrapped mine around his shoulders. The embrace lasted a few moments before I planted a kiss into his messy hair and let him go. He seemed to be gripping tightly onto his shirt like a girl with a high school crush. His clenched fist was gripping the cloth close to his heart where his heartbeat was beating quickly a moment ago.

“We should get changed and get a shower before we both get sick.” I suggested.

The British man nodded his head and I inched him forward, wanting the guest to go first. He grabbed a spare change of clothes from the closet where I kept them and headed into the bathroom. He gave me a sideways glance before he shut the door behind him. I just shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the couch. On the way to sitting down I also grabbed my own pair of clothes and rested them on the arm of the couch.

Normally I would turn on the TV and just stare at the screen even if there wasn’t anything on worth watching but for some reason I didn’t. I just sat there, thinking through all the times the two of us had spent together. I remember them all vividly like they were yesterday and I remembered how much I treasured them all over again. I guess this is what they call going down memory lane.

Before I even got down a street his slender finger poked my shoulder and there he was, looking down at me. His lips seemed to move but I couldn’t seem to hear the words. All I could focus on was him. I took in his messy wet hair, the angle of his cheekbones, the slight slouch in his shoulders, his beautiful eyes, and his thin lips. I stood up from the couch and stared at him a few more seconds before going to take a shower myself.

The water was soothing but it didn’t make my temperature lower, no matter how cold I made it. God, why was he so adorable? I cursed at myself before putting some clothes on and exiting the bathroom door. As I did, I caught the sight of England slipping a plain white T-shirt over his head and resisted the urge to look at the line of skin showing with his arms raised. I can’t have those thoughts.

My steps all felt like long strides as I made my way over to where he now stood, raising his eyebrows at me and a grin on his face. “Your face is all red.”

“Keep talking, tough guy. You even blush on your ears.” I said back, smiling.

He instantly denied it, crossing his arms over his chest. “I-I do not!”

I took my few strides forward to where I stood right in front of him. He gave me a look of surprise before I lowered my head to where we stood cheek to cheek. I planted a slight kiss on the top of his ear, making him shudder. “Do too.”

He turned his gaze away, trying not to focus on me as I looked at him. I gave a little chuckle as I looked him over. “You say I’m impossible to resist but I don’t understand how I’ve resisted that face for so long.”

He scoffed. “You’re just too dense.”


Apparently that was the magic word because I couldn’t resist him any longer. I lifted his chin to where we were looking eye to eye. His look of shock crossed my look of pleasure and I planted a kiss on his lips. Before I could pull away he deepened the kiss, letting out a moaning sound in the back of his throat. I couldn’t help but smile through the kiss as I placed both my hands on the waistline of his pair of pajama pants. I rubbed my thumbs in a circular moment on the side of his waist which seemed to be another one of his sensitive spots.

He placed both his hands on my chest and they slid down slowly as if trying to memorize the touch of my skin. I had forgotten that I had left my shirt off when I had come out of the bathroom, a common habit of mine. That was probably what made his face so red earlier, I realized. Regardless, after a few moments we both broke off the kiss to breathe. He looked hopelessly in my eyes, as if relying on me to make another move.

My heart was racing too fast for me to decide what I was going to do next. “I think that’s enough for now.”

England nodded. His face was an obvious open book of embarrassment. I resisted the urge to chuckle and just smiled. I pulled him into another hug and held him tightly.

“H-hey!” he called out, surprised by my sudden behavior.

“I can’t help it. You’re just too cute.” I said.

“I am not!” He defended himself.

I was about to kiss his ear again when he flinched back. “Just give it up. You can’t win this argument.”

He didn’t really seem to care much because he hugged me back, holding tightly onto my back. Suddenly for a moment the world just seemed to stop when I held him in my arms. Nothing else mattered as long as he was beside me. I have never felt this way before, no matter how tempted.

I am completely and totally in love with Britain.

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