Chapter 5: Leavin'

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Chapter 5- Leavin’

Before I realized it was morning my chin was covered in drool. I wiped it off with my hand and looked as Tony stared me down. His big alien eyes seemed creepy while they stared at me during my sleep. Was he watching me the whole time?

“Quit that dude! You’re freaking me out!” I yelled.

Tony simply pointed to the TV screen that was turned on in front of me. I looked to where his finger pointed. It pointed to a small figure walking toward the airport. What was all this about?

“What kind of Television show is this? Seems pretty lame to me.” I asked.

When I recognized those big eyebrows that couldn’t be missed anywhere. I got up and put my hand on the screen. So he was leaving? Then again I didn’t know why he was even here at all.

“Wait a minute how did you get this on camera?” I asked him.

I could hear him snicker and laugh as he said to me that he installed a camera on a little pin I had given to the British man. When did he have time to do that? Regardless what was I supposed to do? I mean I should at least say goodbye right? I might not ever see him again.

I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my uniform as I rushed out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. I took big bites off the bread as I made my way over to my garage. I opened the driver’s seat and slipped inside. I rode my way all the way to the New York Airport.

When I arrived I parked and slammed the door behind me. I ran inside, searching around frantically for a sign of him. I looked to the people waiting to get on the plane and rushed over to them. I saw him at a moment’s notice and watched him as he stared at his pin.

“You know I should’ve given you a cooler pin if I knew you were going to stare at it all the time.” I smiled as I stood next to him.

The brit seemed surprised and he looked up frantically. He looked back down toward the ground as he put the pin back in his pocket. He opened his bag and brought out one of my brown letterman jackets. I had let him wear it that one time and I just totally forgot about it.

“Here it’s yours.” he said, holding it out for me to take.

“No. Think of it as a parting gift for the time you spent here,” I laughed, “besides I got like twenty more where that came from.”

He gently pulled the jacket back into his arms and held it tightly against his chest. He seemed to shake slightly but I tried not to notice. He just kept staring at me with those bright eyes. What was going on in that head of his?

“I don’t want you to think that I’m abandoning you but I’ve overstayed my welcome and for that I am truly sorry but I…” I put a finger over his lips so he wouldn’t continue.

“Save it, will ya? I didn’t mind any moment of you being here. You mean more to me than just some stupid crushed buildings. You know that don’t you?” I asked.

He paused as he again stared at his feet. What was with that anyway? I closed my eyes and sighed. He was never gonna change was he?

When I opened my eyes again he had moved even closer to me. He lifted his hands upward and brought them to the tie around my neck. He began to straighten it and tucked it underneath the uniform I was wearing. He kept his hands held around the tie as he smiled.

“You always used to forget to tuck in your tie when you wore it. It’s not proper etiquette you know?”

“It’s just a tie who cares how I wear it?”

“Well I guess you did get a bit of my stubbornness.”

Then I saw the biggest smile I had seen him make since he came here. The smile was soon finished with a small tear that ran down his cheek. He grabbed the top of my uniform and sunk down his shoulders. He really did miss the way things used to be.

“Look, Britain. I can’t be the same little kid I used to be. Everyone has to grow up sometime don’t they? I will always remember those times but it can’t be like that anymore. That being said I still don’t mind hanging out with you but as a country equal to you.” I explained .

I grabbed his wrists and kept holding them until his grip released. When he let go of me I looked straight into his eyes to make sure he knew I was serious. I was rarely serious but it had to be said. He still wanted to be a father and had trouble letting go.

“I let that go a long time ago. I know you’re not a child. It’s not the child you that I have problems letting go of. I just have a hard time letting go of you as a person.” I heard him say.

“Well you know one easy way to fix that is to not leave at all.”

“I just can’t do that to you. It would be unforgivable to spring my problems upon you like that.”

“Stupid! I can take care of anything that’s in my country and I will take care of this. Don’t worry about me. Right now the only person that needs to be worried about is you.”

All the tears had erased from his eyes and he had definitely returned back to himself. When he knew I wasn’t gonna let him leave he gave up with a shrug and grabbed his suitcase. A small sense of happiness sprang into my being as I drove him back to my house. Why was this so happy for me?

“So  how did you know where I was anyway?” he asked.

“C’mon you think I don’t have cameras in my own airport?” I asked, covering up the truth.

“I suppose that’s true but won’t it be weird for me to be staying at your house? I mean you probably have a girl living there anyway.” 

“No I’m not that kinda guy. Girls really aren’t my thing. I prefer to do other things with my spare time. Not that I don’t enjoy a pretty face once in awhile.” I joked.

“Geez, you are the most contradicting male I have ever met.” he replied.

“Whatever. Everyone’s weird some people just won’t admit it.”

“Wha?! I am not weird! I may be different but not weird!”

“Whatever.” I laughed.

The rest of the ride home was dead silence but I kinda missed those arguments. Was that strange too? As we arrived home I realized what a fool I had been to forget everything. I had forgotten everything I was working to avoid. All the problems were about to hit me right smack in the face.

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