Chapter 15: Kiss The Rain

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Chapter 15: Kiss The Rain

The wind must’ve blown a little too hard through my ears. He didn’t just say “magic”, did he? I chuckled a little, thinking it was all but a joke. I stared out into the distance, believing nothing the Brit was saying. He was probably just drunk.

“This is not funny! I’m serious!” he yelled, his hands tightening into fists.

I stopped laughing but an amused look still remained on my face, “Yea and I’m Batman.”

He seemed incredibly angry at me for he punched me right in the gut, knowing it wouldn’t do any damage. His face instantly turned to one of sadness. He really was serious. I slid my hand over his, moving his fist from my stomach. He just looked away, the way he always did when I had upset him.

I sighed deeply, “Look, Britain, if you want me to stay out of your business then fine. You don’t have to make up some sort of lies to push me away.”

“Lies?! That’s all anybody ever says! I figured at least you would believe me but I guess I was wrong about you all this time,” he mumbled, pulling his hand away forcefully.

“Dude, you really expect me to believe that magic exists, like in the fairy tales?” I asked, trying to defend my point.

He hesitated; I suppose not really sure of what he should say, “I don’t expect anything from you. Not a single thing. I never have.”

That one got me. The memories seemed to flood back, striking my heart like a dagger. I stared deep into his eyes, wondering what I would see there. My eyes were probably filled with pain but his made him look more like he was completely desperate. He had no one else to turn to.

“Always the serious statements with you. Do you practice these lines in a mirror?” I asked, smiling.

“Of course not! I actually like to say what I feel, unlike someone I know.” He complained, crossing his arms in disgust.

“What are you talking about?” I asked back, raising an eyebrow.

“You know exactly what the hell I’m talking about!” he yelled back, taking an angry stomp forward.

This time I couldn’t argue back with a disagreement, because he was absolutely right. I would always hide my true feelings behind some sort of cocky smile. I never like to be serious and I had gotten the rep of not being serious a long time ago. If someone knew what I was really feeling then I felt like they wouldn’t like me anymore. Then again I hid part of me inside so did they really like “me” at all?

“What do you want me to say then? Huh?” I asked back, curious.

“The things you really want to say!” He responded.

“Well I want to say that you’re being stupid, and-“  I got cut off before I could finish my sentence.

“It’s not stupid! How will anyone ever know who you are if all you do is hide it?!” Britain interrupted.

“I don’t hide who I am. I only hide what’s better left unsaid. That ok with you?” I asked, walking ahead of him so that he couldn’t see my face.

He seemed to understand that the conversation was over so he walked quietly behind me, not making a sound. I always did hate when we argued but it was always inevitable. What was worse was that we were going to have to spend the night like this. I sighed as I turned around.

“Maybe you should just go home. You should get a plane to take you back,” I advised, thrusting my hands into my pockets.

“Do you want me to go home? Or is that just your way of saying I’m annoying?” he asked.

“You have a country to run, just like I do. It is better that things go back to the way they were,” I explained, this time completely serious.

I felt like this was some sort of breakup but it turns out I wasn’t the only one. I could see the pain reflected in his emerald eyes. These were the eyes that I had to look away from in fear that I would get attached. Those eyes that always brought me back to reality when I strayed. My heart almost broke when I saw tears running from those eyes now.

“I have the authority to go where I wish and you’re not going to stop me!” he yelled in defiance.

“Have you forgotten that this is my country and not yours? That’s the whole reason we started arguing in the first place!” I yelled back.

“This is not the same thing!”

“Yes it is! Forgetting a war that cost us both so many lives, you still think you own me. I’m not just gonna let you do whatever you want! Not anymore.”

“I don’t want your land!”

I hesitated, “then what do you want, Britain?”

I hadn’t realized it but the sun had vanished behind the dark clouds, making everything around me darker. I heard the giant sound of thunder and saw a strike of lightning in the distance. A few droplets of rain hit my face, sending a message to my brain that we had to get out of the rain. I grabbed the hand of the person I was just arguing with.

“We can talk about this later. We stay our here too long and we’re gonna get drenched,” I said softly.

He just let himself get dragged by my hand, refusing to let go. I wonder if I had said something too harsh. I believe that he would always do the right thing and I knew that he would never try again to take me over but in the heat of the moment all my deepest fears slipped out of my mouth. I feared that was how he would always think of me, as just another piece of land he lost all those years ago. When I reached my house I opened up the door, struggling to fit and turn the key with one hand. The door slung open and I was about to walk inside when Britain tugged on my arm.

“Man, for someone so skinny you sure have got a death grip,” I joked.

When he didn’t respond I looked at him with a sigh. I gave him a smile, the anger I felt toward him vanishing under the little droplets of rain. I tried to remember what it was I wanted to tell him earlier before he interrupted me. That was all I could really think of to say.

“I believe you,” I finally said, remembering.

His face jolted upward, his eyes fixed solely on mine, “I beg your pardon?”

“Earlier when I said you were being stupid, “I paused,” I also wanted to tell you that I believe you.”

“You would believe a wanker?” he asked.

“Only if it was you,” I responded.

My vision was blurry from the raindrops that had spilled on my glasses but I could tell he was struggling to say something. I tried to get him out of the rain but he refused to move and still wouldn’t let go of my hand. What was wrong now that I said I believed him? He had an ally so what more needed to be said?

“Do you really want me to go back home?” he asked, sadly.

“I only said that because I figured we’d argue all the time. I didn’t mean anything by it. Also you gotta be tired of seeing my face right?” I smiled brightly.

“That’s not true!” he argued, surprising even me.

“I’m sorry,” my smile faded.

“Don’t apologize. All this is my fault. You were right; I should’ve stayed in London.”

“I think something worse would happen if you went back home. It’s safer to be in a place the enemy doesn’t know. A place I know very well.”

“You are full of surprises.”

“I try.”

Apparently the conversation wasn’t over still because when I went to turn around he forced me to look at him again. He kept his gaze on my hand that was holding his as he pulled me closer, our faces inches apart. He usually wasn’t this forceful.

“I want you,” he said.

Suddenly I was pulled into a kiss that tasted of the rain~

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