Chapter 11: Nothing To Hide

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Chapter 11- Nothing to Hide

As I just got used to feeling his warmth I heard a yell from behind me. A crowd of people came from all sides and tore us away from each other. I pushed back at them but the group was so large I couldn’t do anything but get carried away by the crowd. What was going on here?

“Hey! What are you doing?” I heard the Brit ask from the huge crowd.

One person carried England on their shoulders and he kicked and screamed trying to break free from his grasp but it was no use. I tried to reach him by holding out my hand but we seemed so far apart. I just couldn’t reach out to him. No!

“You have stolen money from the US government and from just about everybody else I’m sure.” said a man who stood at the front of the crowd.

He stood tall and proud and I recognized him as my boss. I pushed my way towards him and knocking out a few I reached him. I grabbed his arm and shook him violently. I wasn’t just gonna let him do that.

“You can’t just arrest him! You don’t have any proof!” I yelled at him.

“Oh I don’t?  Well then how do you explain this?”

He signaled for the man who carried England to walk over and stand next to him. He then reached into England’s pocket and pulled out a wallet. Inside the wallet was a ton of US dollars. As they scattered to the ground so did my hope. Did he seriously steal all this money?

“Is this true? Were you trying to steal from me?” I asked, the pain heard in my voice.

“America I didn’t mean for it to turn out this way. I didn’t mean to take it but I couldn’t stop myself. Something inside me just forced me to. Like a dark side or something. You’ve seen it before. Remember?!” he pleaded, trying to prove his innocence.

I recalled that one time not to long ago when he had almost tried to you know what. The images still seemed so wrong in my thoughts so I shook my head to erase them from my mind. He did look different then and he would never act like that if he had the choice. Could it be that his dark side forced him to steal from me to? Was he that desperate?

“I believe you.”

“You can’t honestly believe that ridiculous story!”

“A story it may be but I have no reason not to believe it. Regardless, you did steal from my country and for that you have to be punished. It’s only justice.”

“That’s the America I know!” my boss said happily.

As the Brit’s face filled with tears I figured he would never speak to me again. Although I was ok with that. I had to do what was right. If I let him just do what he wanted then what kind of example does that set for everybody else? It was only just.

“I’m sorry.” I said sadly.

I didn’t get a reply in return. I just got the cold shoulder from him. I hoped he understood that it didn’t just hurt him, it hurt me too. I didn’t want him to get locked up.

They put him in shackles and sent him off to the prison. Of course he didn’t have as long of a time spent in there as say a murderer and I convinced my time to give him a huge time cut for he wasn’t himself. He would only have to spend about a month since he also had a country to run. All I could remember though was those sad desperate eyes of his, begging for help.

The next day I decided to visit and talk to him. I didn’t want him to dwell on his anger for me. I wanted to make things right with him. I had to.

As I approached the prison I saluted the guards and walked inside. I came across his cell where I found him staring at the ceiling on his prison bed. He must’ve heard my footsteps for he sat up and looked me straight in the eye when I walked by. When he saw it was me he turned his gaze away.

“Look I’m sorry ok? I had no choice.” I tried to explain.

“I know. I know but I can’t help feeling betrayed.”

“I understand. So can you forgive me?”

“Do you even have to ask?”

I caught a glimpse of a smile through the dark bars and I was happy to see he wasn’t mad at me. I put my hands against the bars and he did the same on the other side. I was sad that such a fate had befallen him. None of it was fair. Even more horrible that it was my call that led him here.

“Hey it wasn’t your fault.” he assured me.

He lifted up my chin to where I found myself staring at his smile instead of the ground. I smiled back and put a hand on his cheek. He put his hand over mine and held my hand there as he closed his eyes. It was almost as if he was relishing the moment and wasn’t going to let it end.

I slowly pulled my hand away as I put it back into my pocket. I gave him a wave and assured him everything was ok with my smile. I turned around as I began to walk off.

“I’ll visit you tomorrow ok?” 

When I thought I was leaving for good my thoughts changed when he reached out and grabbed my wrist. I completely understood that he didn’t want to be there all alone. He didn’t want to be abandoned. He didn’t want to recall the feeling he felt so long ago.

“Call me crazy if you wish but I don’t want you to leave.”

His face was filled with determination and desire to make me stay. I knew it wasn’t right for me to leave him but I couldn’t just sleep on the hard floor all night. I also had to schedule another meeting with my boss. I couldn’t just stay here.

“You might be crazy but you know I can’t”

He tightened the grip on my wrist and just looked at me with those sad eyes. I couldn’t resist them any longer. I reached my hands through the bars and gently used my hand to press the back of his neck forward. Then I pressed my lips against his and closed my eyes, enjoying what I have wanted to do for so long. 

I felt his slight hesitation at first but as soon as he realized what I was doing he immediately began to kiss back, sending another sensation running through my skin. After a few more seconds I released him from my lips and smiled.

“Now we’re even.”

Those were the final words I said before I walked off. Once all this was over I wonder where it would take us. Now that we both had nothing to hide. Would we be able to have the same relationship after all this?

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