Chapter 20: All I Ask Of You

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Chapter 20: All I Ask Of You

 I never knew that I would be standing next to the man I loved the most right now, side by side. It was like heaven and god had finally heard my calls and granted my wishes. Just to be by his side felt so amazing but knowing that I couldn’t touch him or hold his hand, it made me feel empty. We were so close yet so very far away. What kind of cruel fate was this?

If you would’ve told me the day would come when we would once again be working together as a team then I would’ve called you a full-on liar. There was no way that we would even give each other more than a glance, even though a look can mean a thousand words.

England was a person that had those types of looks- looks that meant a thousand words. In one glance at you a thousand things were spinning through his head and I could never decipher what he was thinking. He was just so complex and emotional that I couldn’t keep up. Would I ever fully understand him?

“-erica. AMERICA! Hey, America!” I heard someone yell.

My head darted to where the voice was coming from, the British boy to my left. Although he wasn’t a boy I still considered him childish in this predicament, even if I was the real child in the relationship. He had an angry glare in his eyes and his mouth was set in a scowl. “Would you pay attention!?”

I blinked a few times, and then remembered. I was supposed to be on guard duty so I didn’t have time to slack off. I scratched the back of my head, chuckling nervously. “Sorry. I can’t help but daydream.”

He scoffed as he placed his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall behind him.  “Whatever.”

I took this time to pay attention not to the halls, but to Britain himself. He was wearing a blue police uniform, identical to mine, but his head of hair was covered by a police officer’s cap. He looked so hot in uniform….. Hotter than any girl I could imagine.

As if he heard my thoughts he turned to face my direction. “What the hell are you staring at!?” He yelled once more, making me sad inside. I hated it when he shouted at me.

I gave him a smile as I took my glasses off, cleaning them. “Do you really want my answer?”

He blushed faintly and looked away again. I guess he got my drift. He grabbed my glasses. “If you’re not going to take this seriously then you don’t even need these. You’re not paying attention anyway.”

My eyes widened as my vision got hazy. I reached for the pair of spectacles, hand outstretched. “HEY! Give them back!”

From what I could tell England shook his head. “No way. I’m punishing you for slacking off.”

I blinked, not used to the vision made my eyes hurt. “What kind of punishment is that!?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, placing the glasses over his eyes. He seemed to be ignoring me. “Your vision is bloody awful. How the hell can you see in these?”

I growled. “It’s not my fault! Give them back!” I reached again but he turned his head, my chin leaning against his shoulder. “C’mon, please?”

With a groan he took them off and outstretched his hand, the glasses resting in his palm. “Fine. Just stop looking at me, all right?”

I smiled as I placed the glasses back onto my face, able to see him clearly once more. “I can’t help but look.”

He blushed ever so slightly and turned to face away from me. “I’m not here for conversation you bloody idiot!”

“Least your bloody mouth hasn’t changed.” I mocked him with a grin on my face.

He simply scoffed as he stood there, watching as the people and countries walked down the hall to get to their next class. He was so cute when he was stubborn but also so hard to deal with. I wondered if this was my moment, a time where he wasn’t looking, to make a move.

I took a step forward and kissed the back of his neck, arm gently wrapping around his waist in a slight hug before I took a step back, walking down the other side of the hallway. “I’ll see you later.”

I could hear his embarrassment in his voice and he would’ve probably punched me if I had been standing right next to him. “W-What the hell?”

I simply kept walking. I didn’t expect him to understand, especially since I didn’t say anything. “America...wait.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. Did he seriously just say that? Normally he was the one running away and now he’s telling me to wait? “Yea?”

His embarrassed voice continued. “Well, I have to ask…. Do you still have… feelings for me?”

My eyes widened and then I smiled as I turned hallway toward him so he could see my face. “Why are you asking?”

He put a hand over his mouth to cover that quivering lip he always got when embarrassed. “You see, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something….. I-“

I raised an eyebrow. “You what?”

He looked down, kind of sadly. “I have to get this off my chest…. It’s about when you were little.”

I nodded. “What about it?”

He shifted his feet, trying to focus on something other than my face. “When you were little…. I-I had sex with you.”

My eyes widened once more, but this time in complete shock. There was no way I was expecting that. “YOU WHAT!?”

He scratched his shaggy hair, trying to find a way to explain. “I was really drunk, I didn’t know what I was doing and- I’m sorry…”

“Why the hell are you bringing it up now!?”

“We’re protectors of justice in this school right? I can’t protect anybody if I don’t have everything in my life straight so I decided to get everything off my chest.”

I sighed in understanding. “You must’ve been really drunk….”

He smiled nervously. “Well not completely….. I mean you were a cute king and those were my pirate days.”

My face turned bright red. “B-Britain! That doesn’t make me feel better!”

This made him chuckle a little. “Sorry.”

I took a few breaths to calm my nerves. It’s not like it mattered now anyway, it was all in the past. I walked back over to him, casually putting a hand over his. My thumb grazed over his tender skin. “Britain….”

He instantly looked away, his head looking at the wall. “W-What are you doing? We’re in public!” He said in a hushed tone.

This made me grin. “So you’re saying I can do what I want in private?”

He shook his head, about three times. “No no no! That’s not what I’m saying at all!”

This made me laugh and my expression turned into a sincere smile as I continued. “Do you think you’d be willing to do it again?”

His mouth was open wide in shock. “Wha- I, I ummm, Well I-“

I kissed the top of his head. “Just think about it.”

After that I walked away but not before he could run up and stop me by grabbing my hand. He looked down. “I-I’ll come to your house…” He said, totally embarrassed.

This made me happier than any person alive. I gave him a slight hug before I began to walk off, arm raised in a wave. Would this be the start of something new? Could we renew again through this and find love once more? Those questions I don’t know but what I do know is that I want to experience this with him just once before I disappear. That’s all I ask of him.

[[ Hello my fans! If you are reading this then you are a true fan of this story and I love you all! *hugs you all tightly* Thank you so much for sticking with me even though you had to wait. Things to remember: America is still dissapearing. What is his dream? Will England remember what he did from last chapter? Will America and England get back together? And what will happen when England goes to America's house? Find out some of these answers next chapter! ]]

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