Chapter 21: Goodbye, My Love

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Chapter 21: Goodbye, my love

When I got back to the house I threw my keys on the countertop as I used the back of my foot to close the door behind me. I let out a deep sigh as I stumbled over to place my book bag on the couch, forgetting to turn the lights on once more. My hand reached along the wall, searching for the light switch. This was a time when I wished I had the Brit’s perfect eyesight. I got even sadder as I remembered him. Especially since I thought things were turning around. As always, I was wrong once again.

Or was I?

As I reached to find the light switch, my fingers wrapped around a bit of skin and I heard a small groan. I instantly pulled back and before I could even reach the grab the switch the lights were on and I was pushed down onto the ground. I landed with an annoyed sound as my back felt the coldness of the floor. “H-hey! That hurt!”

But when I opened my eyes they must’ve appeared to have a glaze of lust in them, for Britain was leaning over top of me, shirtless. I noticed as I scanned his body that I must’ve grabbed his nipple earlier, causing him to release that sexy groan. I leaned up on my elbows, looking up into his wavering eyes. For the one who was now topping me now he seemed awful scared.

“Why did you decide to come?”

His answer took him a few seconds, and a few breaths. He was struggling to breathe, maybe from the fall. “I wanted to see you.”

This made me chuckle. “This sure is some way to do it.”

He gave me that annoyed look: that shut up America look. “So you really want to do it, after all?”

I blinked a few times in confusion. “You really think I’d say no since I was the one who asked?”

His eyes turned away from mine. “I suppose not.”

My hand cupped around his cheek; a comforting gesture. His gaze remained toward the floor but his cheeks did heat up just a bit. A sat up far enough to where my lips brushed against his. I wasn’t about to just give up this moment. “Arthur.”

Apparently using his human name made him more embarrassed but he forced himself to look at me. “Yes, Alfred?”

I smiled, my fingertips tracing the edge of his cheekbones. Both hands were now cupped around his frail face. “Thank you.”

And with those two words I made my move, taking him in my arms and pushing my lips against his. He moaned in protest; I was going a little fast. In the span of a minute I already had him panting from kisses and laying on his back. “A-Alfred!”
I put a finger to his lips, silencing him. “Let me pleasure you this time.”

A small nod was his answer.


My eyes had never closed in the few hours he slept. How could they? How could my eyes drift away from that beautiful and calming face?

I had thought nothing would keep us apart, nothing would stop us. I had thought we were always meant to be together and that nothing would ever change. But how wrong have I been? How stupid I was to think that the world would be so forgiving. The world only takes away, it never gives.

As warm as the bed was beside him I know what I have to do: I have to go. I sat up, taking one last look at my love as I kissed his brow. He stirred but did not awake, much to my relief. “Goodnight, Arthur.”

My presence left the room as I listened to his breaths for what would be the last time. The tears ran down a stream, blurring my vision in fear. I didn’t want to leave him alone. I didn’t want to ever go but how could I challenge fate? Fate had given us the happiest moment of our lives and now it was going to tear us apart again, but at least this time I won’t have to live with it.

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