Chapter 14: Magic~

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Chapter 14: Magic

America’s POV:

When I awoke I was seated in the meeting hall, looking over my folded arms to see the room around me. No one was there yet, that or everyone had already gone and left me to my snoring. The room was still bright and the clock seemed to be dead because I couldn’t hear the little ticking noise. I heard shuffling noises from behind me and I knew they were footsteps. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up as quickly as I could to make it look like I was awake.

I turned around to face the one person I didn’t want to see right now: France. He was doing his annoying French laugh and right then I wanted to rip my ears off. I had heard my bro, Canada, say something about him acting different but he seemed to be the same old person to me. A total douche bag.

“What’s up Frenchy?” I asked casually, trying not to start a fight.

“You look worn out, mon ami.” he taunted.

“Gee, what gave you that impression?” I asked, sarcastically.

To my aid, came the rest of the countries. Thank heavens! I stood up from my seat, ready to take charge. If no one was going to present an idea, why should I be stopped?

“Ok dudes! This is the time we gotta speak up. We need to stand next to each other and help each other out. So I encourage all of you, no matter the scars between you, to help make this world a better place!” I preached.

For the first time in a long time I wasn’t being laughed at. Everyone seemed to take my words to heart and as I looked around many people started to clap and everyone was smiling at each other. I still had my touch.

“He’s right.” came a simple statement from across the table.

I looked over to that unmistakable voice. Britain would always be by my side and now was no different. Some things never would change. I smiled at him and everyone else seemed to nod. That day I would be the leader everyone wanted.

If this was the only time that were to happen I would still be grateful. I would take that above all else. I had to do something to help them out for as long as I could. Being positive was one of my strong suits.

At the end of the meeting I was greeted with many pats on the back and truly happy people. We had finally gotten something accomplished. The happiness inside me was stronger than it had ever been at the previous meetings. Although, something within me left a big hole.

I just ignored it, filling it with the happiness of the moment and hope. I still held onto that hope that somehow I could stay the way I used to be. That maybe if I prove myself I can overcome this. There was still a chance.

All I wanted was to live here. This was my home and I didn’t want to give it up. I wasn’t going to give it up. I had fought so long to acquire it and protect it and it wasn’t for naught. 

I smiled as I had used one of those British-like words I had heard him say one of those times. He said so many of them without even thinking. I suppose I was the same though, just in my own way of speaking. We were all different. 

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