Chapter 13: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Chapter 13: Home Is Where The Heart Is

England’s Point Of View: 

When I awoke my mind was cluttered with thoughts. I knew what I had to do but I also remember what I said. What I’ve always told him. I didn’t want to go back on my word. Although I knew there was no escaping my utmost duty.

I sat up from the bed and noticed the other side of the bed was empty. Only a night or two had the American slept in the same bed but it seemed like it was meant to be that way. His warmth was just enough to overcome the coldness of my skin. Not to mention the sleeping face of that American was the most adorable thing I had seen since he was little.

“What am I saying?!” I yelled at myself.

What a ludicrous idea! Why am I so concerned over the thought of being in the same bed with him? That’s an awful thing to think! I must’ve picked up something from the frog after all.

I folded my arms against my chest and slowly walked into the kitchen. I found a teabag and some cubes of sugar and made myself my morning tea. Maybe the tea would help me forget everything I was thinking about. As I took a sip the warmth calmed my senses and I sighed heavily as I felt the rush of tea go down my throat.

When I finished my cup I laid it down on the delicate saucer. I walked back into the bedroom and decided on what I would do. First thing was I made the bed and smoothed out all the blankets evenly. Next I dressed myself in my green uniform and looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my tie.

All I could see were two small pools of green staring back at me. I couldn’t see anything in them. I felt like I was staring at a doll. Was there really nothing left in me right now? I placed my delicate finger on the mirror where my reflection was.

Suddenly I felt warmth and a trickle went down my spine that rose to my cheeks. A firm hand was placed over mine. His hand. I felt the brushing of his chest against my back as he stood behind me. I didn’t know what to feel just then.

“I…I was just wiping a smudge from the mirror is all.” I lied as I stuttered.

“Liar. It’s written all over your face.” he responded with the sound of a smile.

I looked into the mirror to find him standing taller than me. His mouth was curved into a smile. A smile that made his face seem angelic. I didn’t want to turn from it but I forced myself to avoid his gaze and looked toward the ground.

“Idiot, my face doesn’t show anything. Nothing is there to be seen.” I replied, a sad tone in my voice.

I found that his grip on my hand tightened and he locked our fingers together. What was he doing? I couldn’t quite make out where he was gonna go with all of this. Was he going to call me stupid now or hug me?

“The way I see it your face is what keeps me smiling everyday. I wouldn’t exactly call that nothing. A face like that is worth even bleeding for.” he explained.

My surprise was showed with a gasp but I silenced it. I was left speechless. I didn’t know how to respond to something so profound. At least when the statement was about me.

“Moron! How do you get of saying such things?! One life is not equal to another! You cannot honestly think it would be right to just die and leave me, knowing it was all my fault!”  I screamed at him in response.

“I’m not gonna die. Chill out.”

“Now who’s the liar? I know you’re disappearing!”

“Disappearing but still alive. Britain, nothing’s going to stop me from-” 

I cut off his statement with a finger to his lips. I wasn’t ready to hear this. Rather, I was afraid to hear it. I was afraid to hurt him. Afraid of dragging him down.

“I have to get back to my country. They need me now more than ever. I cannot feel such things anymore. I will always be allies with you but I can be no more.” I explained, taking my leave of the room.

He seemed to keep his composure for when I left the house he waved with a smile until I couldn’t see him anymore. Was this only hard for me? Did he even feel anything at all? Something brought me back to what he had said before: I wasn’t like everyone else.

Why did he always seem so composed? It was as if nothing bothered him at all. The only thing I could come up with that made him distressed was when somebody was in danger. That someone just happened to be me this time. I just happened to be the one he saved this time. He would’ve done the same for anybody else.

I kept repeating his words in my head but I couldn’t deny my doubts that said it was all just coincidence. Coincidence that all this had happened to the both of us. Nothing was certain right now. I focused my mind on the road ahead instead so my brain would not shut down from over thinking so much.

I made my way onto the plane and sat in the front seat. I stared out the window and watched the clouds drift by. I realized my thoughts right now were just like those clouds. They were wandering aimlessly, trying to find where they were supposed to be. My heart was the same. 

After a few hours I stepped off the plane and walked back to my home. Although my heart couldn’t decide whether this was my real home or if my real home was with him. I didn’t walk inside I just stared out at the night sky, staring at the monuments that filled my hometown.

I was reminded of the old saying: “Home is where the heart is”. So where was my heart? Honestly I couldn’t tell you. I would have to think on that one for awhile.

Over the next few days I scrambled around trying to do all the work that my boss was telling me to do. I hid the fact that I had gone to jail to assure that my record would stay clean. The last thing the people needed right now was to know their country was a criminal. I detested ever doing such an act now.

I had what was left in front of me to accomplish and that was all. Everything seemed so simple now. Something made me miss the constant adventures. The constant feeling of waking up and not knowing what to expect. Did I really miss him that much?

I screamed at myself in my head and stopped thinking about it. I had duties to do. My feelings couldn’t go before my country. I had to have priorities. My priority is always toward my people. That was a country’s duty.

I sat down on my bed and rested my head on my pillow. I remembered we were having another meeting tomorrow. I would have to face him again. Although it was a good enough feeling for me just to see him. 

I closed my eyes and dreamed of his face, awaiting the next morning~

((Since they are seperated I think I will alternate chapters between England and America's perspectives. They both have their side of the stories that need to be told. I hope you guys don't mind and like the change ^^))

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