Chapter Fourteen

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Skyler's POV

"I. Love. You" Caspian says kissing my neck coming up to my lips.

He loves me. I still can't believe this. Caspian Carrington loves me.

Waking up in his arms his lips on my body, and him saying he loves me is something I have dreamed about but never thought I would get but here I am. It has been a whirlwind for me these last few days, Caspian getting hurt finding out about Vivian and him possible having a son.

My anger getting the better of me. I'm just happy we both made it out okay and here we are in each other's hold saying I love you. I look up at him he has been making up for lost times all morning, it still amazes me how much he can even with a broken leg he is amazing.

I tell him we can slow down, that I can be in control but this is Caspian Carrington we are talking about he has to be in control. He lowers his head to me kissing me deeply and we get lost in each other, after a morning like this I don't want to leave this hold but we are meeting with his lawyers today.

The results of the DNA tests are in and everyone is coming over to hear them, we have talked about it what he would do if the baby was his. He said he'd want to be in his son's life and he'd never take him from his mother and I understand that.

I know he feels torn about all of this and he wants to do what's right, but he also doesn't want to hurt me. I know that a baby or his ex-wasn't something we had in the picture, but it's happening now so we just have to adjust. I look up as I enter our room to find him sitting on the bed talking on his phone; he looks up as I near him his eyes taking me in.

I am wearing a floral print summer dress it has short sleeves and ends just on my thighs, I have my hair down around me. I walk over to my vanity putting on my ring and jewelry, I grab my phone checking my messages before I heard the doorbell.

I look over at Caspian and he frowns I give him a kiss on the head as I head down, I look up as I get to the door to see Evan standing there. I have been avoiding him since I saw him with the kid he is my brother and I do love him but what he did hurt me.

I open the door getting ready to give him a piece of my mind but he hugs me before I can get a word out, I don't want to hug him back but I can't help it he's my brother and I love him.

"I'm sorry I'm the worse brother ever and if you want to shoot me I'll gladly take it" he rambles and I can't help my laugh.

"Calm down Evan" I say and he sighs. "I don't hate you, I'm angry that you choose him over me, but I'll get over it" I tell him.

"I just wanted to protect you" he says and I believe him.

"I know" I say. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Um..." he looks back at his car waving his hand.

I watch as the door of his car opens and Vivian gets out she goes to the back taking out a little boy, I look back at Evan and he gives me a sorry look. This day is not about me it's about getting to the truth and giving this little boy a family.

"Vivian let me introduce you to..."

"Skyler right" she cuts him off and I nod.

I take her in and she is beautiful, tall with thick brown hair and golden-brown eyes I can see why Caspian fell for her. I look down at the little boy in her hand he looks about four with light green eyes and messy brown hair he looks like a little Caspian.

"Please come in" I step aside allowing them to walk in. "Can I get you anything?"

"Daddy!" the little boy runs to Caspian.

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