Chapter Sixteen

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Caspian's POV

A few weeks later...

"A baby?" I ask and she nods.

It's been a few weeks since everything with Julian happened and Skyler moved them into our house at first I was worried. Having Vivian around the woman I love having her close to me but after the first few days and seeing how happy it made Julian I didn't care.

Things have been going great for us, Julian and I have bonded and he is really taken with Skyler, she gives him driving lessons every day after school and reads to him at night. Everything in our life feels so perfect right now, I have my son with me my wife is happy and our family is happy this is more than I ever thought I would have.

And now my wife is talking about babies. I have always imagined what it would be like having a kid with her. Would it be a surprise. Would she plan something to surprise me with the way she surprised me with her love but I never thought she would just come out and tell me.

I look up at her we are sitting in the garden in our back yard watching Julian play with his friends. She just looked at me and said we should try for a baby, I look down at her stomach and I rest my hand on it thinking about a baby growing inside her.

"Yes" I say without hesitation.

She lowers her head to mine kissing me lightly and I kiss her back, I pull back looking at her she has been so happy lately and that's all I want.

"Marry me" I say and she frowns. "I know we're already legally married but..." I pull back taking out a box handing it to her.

I have been walking around with this for week, I called up my jeweler and told him I needed another custom piece made. I know that she loves the ring I gave her when we first got married but that ring wasn't made in love but this was.

Skyler opens the box and her eyes widen in shock before tears fill them, I take her hand removing the ring she is wearing slipping the new one on. It's a ten-carat ruby and diamond ring I place a kiss on it before kissing her lips and she kisses me back.

"I love you Skyler more than you know" I tell her.

"I love you too" she strokes my cheek. "And yes I will marry you again"

I kiss her again. I want us to have a fresh start to our life.

When we first got married it was forced and arranged by our parents, we were strangers and hated the idea but now. We are in love we have a family and we are trying for kids I want us to do things our way.

I was lucky that she found me and pulled me from the darkness, her love saved me in ways even I don't understand I know that now. I look down at her as she sleeps in my hold her head resting on my chest, her arms around me holding me and it's all I need.

"I want a small intimate affair. Just our families and close friends" Skyler says.

She has been excited about planning a wedding she has been glowing and happy, I am sitting in the living room watching as she talks on the phone. I look down at Julian and he has a smile on his face, Skyler she asked him to be the ring bearer and he is happy to do it.

"Are you excited to be in the wedding son?" I ask and he nods.

"Am I going to get a sister too?" he asks and I smile.

"Do you want a sister?"

He shakes his head telling me no. "I want a brother that way I have someone to play tag with" he tells me.

"Girls can play tag" I tell him and he frowns. "But don't you worry son. You're going to have a baby brother or sister soon" I watch Skyler pace.

She finishes her call walking over to us sitting down.

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