Chapter Eight

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Skyler's POV

A month later...

He is so beautiful.

I am lying in bed watching Caspian sleep, he is lying on his stomach his naked body illuminated by the light glow of the moon light. I brush my fingertips over his shoulder and the part of his back that I can reach. I enjoy the inherently manly combination of hard muscle under velvet skin while I trying not to wake him.

It's our last night in my apartment, after weeks of looking we finally found something that we both love. We are moving in tomorrow getting settled finally. I am a little nervous about living with him in this new home, seeing him every day and every night.

He has been with me since we decided to try but this was always my place, my home and it just felt like a long weekend but now. Now we'll be living together in a home we bought together and that makes me nervous, I know we have lived together before but it wasn't real and this will be.

I pull back the sheets getting out of bed I walk into the kitchen finding my best scotch taking it down. I open it putting the bottle to my head having the heat run through me, I have to believe that this will work and that we won't get bored of each other.

I don't want to think he'll get bored of me, that when and if the physical fades that we'll have something else to hold on to.

"Sky?" Caspian calls.

I turn around as he walks into the kitchen with a worried look on his face; he walks up to me taking me in before looking at the scotch.

"Want to talk about it?" he asks.

"What if we get bored?" I ask my voice soft. "Of the sex. What then?"

"Are you bored of me?" he asks with a frown and I shake my head telling him no. "Then what is this about?"

"Us." I whisper. "We're trying but what are trying for? A family? A marriage that we're in again? Or something more?"


"You told me after we got married that you couldn't love me, that your heart was closed off. Yet here you stand wanting to try. Is this try for love or lust?" I ask and he runs his hand through his hair.

"I don't know" he tells me honestly. "I don't know what this try is for, all I know is I feel when I'm with you. And I haven't felt in a long time" he says.

He's feeling. I make him feel I stand taking him in and he looks comfortable with me like he trusts me and it makes me smile. I walk over to him wrapping my arms around him hugging him and he does the same; he lowers his head to mine kissing my head.

Rome was not built in a day. Love, marriage and trust that takes time and I have to give us that time to see who we both truly are in this.

"Welcome home Mrs. Carrington" Caspian says as he carries me into our new home.

I look up at him and he has a big smile on his face telling me he is happy, the talks of the night vanished from his mind as he walks us into our new life. He carries me upstairs to our new bedroom throwing me down on the bed, I look up at him as he removes his jacket crawling on top of me finding my lips.

He drops kisses on my heated skin, everywhere my lips part as the soft moans escape, I'm eager for him to swallow them.

I become aware of the distance between us, his body is bowed forward, worshipping mine with surprisingly chaste kisses but nothing else is in contact. I glimpse my sanity for a small second and reach up to pull him closer.

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