Chapter Nineteen

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Caspian's POV

Perfect life has been perfect. These last few months have been heaven on earth waking up every day with the woman I love in my arms and my son is a blessing. I have everything I could ever want in life and I am happy, after everything that we have been through I am just happy to be here with the people I love.

Right now, I am at my in laws for our weekly family dinner, Skyler made it a thing were we all come over for family dinner. Even though she is on bed rest and can't leave the house she still made me and Julian come, she is currently eight months pregnant and glowing.

I knew that I loved my wife the minute I held her but I never knew my love for her could grow more. But watching her grow our little girl has transformed my love for her ten folds and we have never been happier.

Everyone is happy and excited to meet the baby so am I, I am a little scared but I know that with Skyler I can't mess up too bad. I look around as everyone talk and settle I really don't want to be here, I take to my feet walking out back calling Skyler I just want to hear her voice.

"You just left" she says when she picks up.

I smile. "I know but I miss you" I say and I feel her smile.

"I miss you too, but it's only a few hours and then you'll be back here" she tells me softly.

"Can I come back now" I pout. "I just want to hold you and feel our baby kick"

"She's kicking now" she tells me and my excitement peeks.

"I'm coming home" I hang up before she can stop me.

I tell my parents to watch Julian and keep him for the night before saying goodbye to him, I jump in my car heading him I want to hold my wife and just relax. I walk into our house heading straight for our room, I walk into find her lying in bed reading a book.

She looks up at me bright blue eyes happy I crawl into bed with her kissing her stomach before kissing her lips.

"Hi" I whisper resting my hand on her stomach. "How is my baby?"

"Settled now" she tells me. "But she could use a foot rub" she says and I shake my head.

"Whatever you need baby" I remove my jacket taking her foot into mine.

I sit rubbing her foot as she tells me about her day spent in bed, she has been on bed rest for a month now. The doctors wanted her to be as careful as possible given her history we didn't want anything hurting her or the baby.

Skyler wanted to have a natural birth but due to her past injuries we're having to do a c-section, Jasmine assured us that we would still be able to see our baby girl being born. I look up at Skyler and she is sleeping I kissing her foot before putting it down. I grab a blanket throwing it over her crawling beside her holding her and it didn't take long for me to sleep.

I wake to the feel of someone shaking me hard I jump up getting my bearings, I look beside me at Skyler but she's not in bed. I turn to my other side to find her standing there holding her stomach, I stand taking her in and she looks different her hair is damped.

"Is it?" I ask and she nods. "Okay I'll go grab the bag and keys you just..."

"I'll go wait in the car with my blanket and pillow I know" she tells me calmly.

I place a kiss on her head grabbing all of her things by the door putting them in the car before helping her into the car. I call up my mother telling them what's happening I look over at her and she looks really calm.

"How are we doing?" I ask as I drive.

"I'm okay. Pains at a six, nerves at a ten" she tells me and I smile.

I take her hand into mine kissing it lightly.

"You'll be just fine baby" I tell her.

I pull up at the hospital getting out I look up as Jasmine comes out with a wheelchair and her doctor helping her out while I gather our things. Jasmine shows us into our private room getting us settled, I look up at Skyler she has her eyes close rubbing her stomach.

"It's going to be okay" I tell her.

"Tell me something" she says shaking her head. "Just something to take my mind of everything"

"Okay" I sit next to her. "When I was a kid my father would take me on his bike for evening rides, my mother hated it but I, I loved every minute of it"

"You're not taking my kids on your bike" she tells me firmly. "You're not even going on a bike"

I smile. "Really?"

"Don't be cute" she says sitting up.

"Here" I go behind her rubbing her back feeling her relax. "Better?"

She nods resting her head back moaning, I place a kiss on her cheek watching her slowly relax. We sit and talk my hands never leaving her body until it was time for her operation, I place a kiss on her head as they wheel her out. Jasmine took me to get suited up before bringing me to her.

I walk into the operating room to find her lying on the table with a sheet covering her lower half as a doctor work.

"Hey baby" I kiss her head.

"Your just in time dad" the doctor says.

I look down at Skyler as we wait for the cry of our baby, a few minutes pass before the cry fills the room and tears fill my eyes. I watch as they hand her to Jasmine to get her cleaned up, I rest my head on Skyler's kissing her lightly.

"I love you so much baby" I say.

"Here you go mama" Jasmine puts the baby on Skyler's chest.

She fusses before quieting down I place my hand on her holding her, she is so small and so perfect. Jasmine takes her up after a few minutes to get her cleaned up, I stay with Skyler as long as I could before they escorted me out.

I head back to our room to find our families waiting, they all turn to me with waiting faces and I can't stop my smile.

"We have a daughter" I say and they all cheer hugging me.

"Congrats son" my dad hugs me.

"Look who's here" Jasmine says wheeling in an incubator.

I look down at my princess all wrapped up in her blanket her little cap with her name on it, I walk over to her taking her into my hold and she wiggles before settling down. I look down at her taking her in and I have never seen anything more precious in my life, she turns opening her eyes and my heart stops.

Love, pure love is all I can see in her eyes I don't have to ask I know my heart is hers forever my little princess.

"Awe she's so beautiful" everyone crowds around me taking her in.

I place a kiss on her head before giving her to her grandmothers, I stand watch as everyone holds her and kisses her. I walk over to Julian and he is sitting down with a teddy bear in his hand, he looks up at me light green eyes worried but he doesn't have to be.

"Ready to meet you little sister?" I ask and he nods.

Elle hands her to me and I sit with her facing Julian he looks at her, he leans forward placing a kiss on her head smiling.

"I'll always protect you" he tells her. "Promise"

I smile kissing his head before putting her back in her incubator Jasmine wheels her out to get checked out. We all sit and wait a few minutes before they wheel Skyler in, she is still knocked out from the surgery. I sit by her bed holding her hand until she wakes up, she looks around the room before looking at me.

"Hi" she says and I smile.

"You did wonderful baby" I kiss her head.

"I did?" she asks softly.

"Yes you did. Our daughter is perfect just like you" I tell her and she nods. "Get some rest baby, she'll be waiting when you wake up"

She nods going back to sleep her hand holding mine tightly, I don't have to ask I know our life will be perfect.

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