1 | This place is a SAFETY HAZARD

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Kaioa's wings kept beating nervously, even though she'd landed already. The large mountaintop stared down at her dauntingly, casting a shadow over her frame, and sending a chill down her spine. The rocks were a deep shade of grey, with tunnels opening up into ledges and sky-holes, snow at the very top, moss creeping up the sides and obscuring the little glints of Jade peeking through. In her mind, though, Kaioa gave a sigh.

Why oh why had she decided to go here? It was loud, and not safe.

The rocky cliff edges, she could fall off of and die. The sea she could drown in. And the oxygen lacking air she could faint in.

Albeit, the last two were unlikely, being a SkyWing SeaWing hybrid.

But it was mainly the dragons - three moons the dragons everywhere.

There was a group of rowdy SeaWings to her left; straight ahead she could see a dark coloured SilkWing intimidating a bunch of RainWings - and a NightWing, goes to show - a few more funny looking hybrids too.

A SeaWing IceWing? Kaioa thought, glancing at a pearly white dragon with pale moon spikes. I wonder if they're subroyal like me. High chance, considering almost all the SeaWings are somewhat related to royalty now. Kaioa shook her head and stepped forwards, then moved back again.

Should go out into the caves - but not ready - but I should, really - but - so many of them -

She gulped, then felt a bead of sweat trickle down her forehead. Gah, stop it, Kai! You're overreacting! You're --

"A-are you okay?"

Kaioa startled alert again, and came face to face with the same silky Sea-Ice hybrid from before.

"O-oh" she stammered, at a loss for words. "Y-yeah. Just- a little bit - you know ..."

"Overwhelmed?" The dragon asked. Kaioa nodded, flushed with embarrassment. Nobody else was acting like this.

"It's alright," she said in a comforting tone.
"I feel like that too, sometimes." She glanced around sceptically at the crowds of dragons, then back to Kaioa. "It sounds stupid, but... If you take deep breaths and focus on what's in front of you... it kind of helps." What looked like a faint smile rose on her face, and Kaioa gave a sheepish grin back.

"I'm Alaska, by the way." She said, then suddenly looked very self-conscious. "I don't know if that was too early to introduce myself - was it?"

Kaioa managed a weak sort of laugh that grew into a relaxed smile, and shook her head. "No, it wasn't. I'm Kaioa, by the way."

"Pretty name. What's that - another word for a Seagull or something?"

Kaioa slowly nodded again. "Y-yeah, something like that. You know stuff." She blurted, without meaning to.

Alaska flushed and reached up to scratch the back of her head nonchalantly. "W-well yeah, I guess so. My parents kind of expect quite a lot of me - they're both royalty."

"Really? My mum's a SeaWing princess, too." Kaioa said, fascinated. How had they both ended up here? Was this destiny? Fate? Or just pure coincidence?

"Which one?" Alaska said, with a joking smile. "Almost all the SeaWings are royalty nowadays."

"True," Kaioa agreed, "I-I'm a subroyal, though. Hence the hybrid." At that, she opened her rose and indigo glowing wings for Alaska to see, then rapidly snapped them shut again when it attracted the attention of several onlookers.

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