2 | No-one is better than me

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The large, orange coloured SkyWing huffed in annoyance as she had to press her wings to her body, to not accidentally throw any dragons of off the plateau they were standing on. She wouldn't do it accidentally, of course not. Firefly would throw them down on purpose - especially those annoying seaWings that didn't seem to be able to stop talking annoyingly loud. Or the weirdly coloured SilkWing that constantly terrorised the RainWings. It wasn't like Firefly cared for the little, leath creatures called dragon, but it did anger her, that the SilkWing thought they could do everything they wanted. Oh, it made her very angry indeed.

"Hey you!", she yelled, getting the attention of the dark scaled dragon. Curiosity laid in their eyes, as if they were surprised someone would stand up against them. That made Firefly even angrier. Who did this SilkWing think they were? Thinking they're better than everyone else? They might be good, but not as good as her. No one was better than her, and she would make that crystal clear.

"Who do you think you are, pushing around RainWings?", Firefly hissed, unfolding her wings in the purpose to scare the dragon. The enormous wings of the orangeish SkyWing would certainly have been strong enough to enable her to carry the silkWing and drop them to the ground and she wanted them to know.

"Who do you think you are, trying to scare me?", the SilkWing snarled back, showing Firefly their sharp teeth. But she didn't care, this little silkWing couldn't and wouldn't intimidate her.

"I am Firefly! And I'll burn your snout if you don't back up!", she growled, she felt her fire rise in her throat. "Ever heard of firescales?"

While she might not have been one, Firefly certainly knew how other dragons reacted upon this statement. Firefly had seen them recoiled as soon as they heard that her sister Dawn was one and often enough had she seen how Dawn acted with her scales. She could pull of pretending to be a firescale.

It seemed to have worked, seeing how the dark purple dragon recoiled and widened her orange-red eyes. The shock and fear was evident on the SilkWing's face as she took a few tumbling steps back. "I - I was done with these idiots anyway!", the dragon stuttered.

She swiftly turned around and fled towards a a different corner of the plateau, where she bumped into a bright blue coloured rainWing. A smug half-smile made its way upon the tall sky-wings face. Firefly enjoyed that, startling this idiot of a SilkWing away, it was quite funny.

"Thank you", came the mutter of a rather down looking, dark green rainWing. While all those around him shined in the most beautiful colors Firefly could have imagined - even if she'd never say that out loud - this particular RainWing seemed off. His scales were a dull, dark green and his dark blue eyes didn't help to make him more colorful or cheery like his dragon companions.

"Well you are an odd looking Rain-wing", Firefly replied, dismissing the thankful words of the other. The RainWing opened his mouth, ready to reply, but he was rudely interrupted by a large, way too excited for her liking, NightWing. The purple black creature boomed a hello over the plateau and Firefly was sure that even her sisters back in Sky Kingdom would have heard him.

"That kind of looks like Fatespeaker and Starflight", the depressed looking rainWing replied, not seemingly fazed by the loud and booming hello that was thrown their way. They simply pulled a slightly grumpy face, showing displeasure by the dragon. Firefly batted her eyes, surprised by not only the lack of colour's but also the lack of emotion.

"Might be, yeah", she answered, not really knowing the looks of those two dragons. Sure she had heard of them but she didn't really knew much about them.

Upon hearing Stargazer's relationship with the previously named dragons, though, the RainWing's face slightly lit up as they turned towards the taller dragon. "I told you he looked like them, didn't I?" Even such a thing as excitement was heard in his voice, which quickly perished as they realised it, a dull impression taking over again.

Firefly squinted at him oddly, trying to discern the meaning behind his voice. Come on, he's just a RainWing, anyway. And she had business to attend to - namely, investigative business. How was she going to spend a whole chunk of her life at this place if she didn't find some people that were half decent to hang out with, anyway?

"Hey, RainWing?" She grunted, not even caring that she hadn't asked his name. He looked up at her, with dull blue eyes. "I'm going to skedaddle, just letting you know."

"And leave me alone here?" He sighed reluctantly.

"Well... Yeah. That was the point." She said bluntly. Upon seeing his fractured expression, she suddenly reconsidered hey words and tried to come up with a better answer.

"Hey, there's uh... A lot of other dragons here you can hang out with? Look, over there, a nice SeaWing who doesn't look menacing at all!" She pointed wildly in the direction of a azure SeaWing, that had sandy coloured wingtips.

Unfortunately, Firefly herself was not very good with encouragement.

"Mm... Okay..." The RainWing said reluctantly, and drifted away from her like a satellite wrenched out of orbit.

Firefly breathed a sigh of relief, and cast her glance around the many groups of dragons overcrowding the entrance plaza. Her gaze landed on one particularly reclusive looking pair, reclined against the trees, the older of which seemed to be reading a book. Boldly, Firefly strode forward to talk with them.

As she approached, the youngest of the two looked up at her with a curious look on her face. Upon closer look, Firefly could see she was a LeafWing-NightWing hybrid - they both were. Finally, the older one looked up, and some unsaid greeting passed between them.

"What do you need?" They asked, putting down the book on the grass on front of them.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Firefly assured. "Just came to see what all you were doing." She held her head high, and tried to seen intimidating, but the LeafWing hybrid just lowered their head and glanced back down at the book.

"Excuse me?" Firefly asked, on the verge of outrage. Who was this dragon to act superior to her?

"Yes? Do you need anything." They repeated forcefully. Firefly shook her head and coughed, hoping to knock some sense into this guy.

"Do you need a cough sweet?" Their sister offered sweetly.

Firefly stumbled back, unsure of how to respond. In the end, she ended up stuttering "Who are you anyway?"

"Glad you asked." They responded. "I'm Ghostberry. This is my little sister Alstroemeria."

Firefly bayed her head in acceptance. "Firefly." She stated simply. I can't beat them
... So I'll just have to be on their level. She huffed. It wasn't a nice feeling being humbled.

"I'm non-binary, by the way," Ghostberry added, for clarification. Firefly nodded. Casting a furgitive glance over her shoulder, she could see the dull green RainWing from before talking to that SeaWing she'd highlighted - with a grunt, she turned towards the school.

"I'm going to go inside, now." She commented. Alstroemeria nodded sweetly and flicked her tail.

"We'll stay out here." Ghostberry murmured.

"Any idea what Winglet you'll be in?" Firefly asked awkwardly.

Ghostberry glanced down at their book for a second, which seemed to have their entrance form concealed in the cover. "Silver." He said.

"Oh. Me too." Moons, just my luck.

"Aww, I'm in Quartz Winglet." Alstroemeria sighed.

At least she won't go prancing around offering all of my Winglet cough sweets, Firefly thought with a growl. She turned towards Ghostberry, whose gaze was still fixated on hers.

"Well, meet you there, I guess."

Ghostberry nodded in equal enthusiasm - none. "You also."

Then the tall orange SkyWing turned towards the cave entrance that was Jade Mountain Academy, and started to make her way down the hallway.

Written by -littlefirefly and StarvioletFury

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