3 | Oh how I despise male dragons

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All in all, Firefly would rather have stayed outside than be condemned to this stuffy Clawmate cave.

The tall, orange skyWing let out a long sigh as she pressed her wings tightly around her body. This cave seemed to suffocate her, even if there was enough room for both her and a talonful of more dragons. She stared absently into the air when soft mumbling interrupted the silence of her new chambers. It was the same annoying voice of the nightWing that had so warmly welcomed the other students into the Academy. Stargazer was his name if she remembered correctly. He had been annoyingly happy and excited about the new dragons. Firefly didn't really understand that, but to each their own.

"Your two Clawmates are in here!", she heard the nightWing speak and she flinched. Great, another dragonet to press themselves in here, she grumbled. A soft gush of steam escaped her nostrils. She had tried her best to ignore the IceWing under her bunk, but as far as she was concerned he'd totally start blabbering with the new dragon. Firefly didn't want to look up, but she couldn't contain herself when she caught a glimpse of red scales. Another SkyWing? No, must be a hybrid! she thought and couldn't help but to look at the dragon..

In the entrance of the cave stood awkwardly a tall, red skyWing with blue underscales and purpleish wings. A SeaWing mixed with a SkyWing.

"Hey you. Are you in this Winglet?", it wasn't intentional or something she had meant to ask, but the words just flew out of Firefly's mouth. The hybrid in question abruptly raised her head and stared at the full skyWing.

"I- I uh", she began stuttering, but was interrupted by none other than the greenish IceWing that probably just had been waiting for someone to walk in.

"Hello!" he calmly said, stepping up to the dragon and curiously eying her. "My name is Evergreen", he huskily replied, smiling at the dragon to ease her anxiousness.

Firefly rolled her eyes. Male dragons. How she despised them.

"I-I'm Kaioa", the hybrid shyly whispered, taking her eyes off of Firefly and shifting her attention towards the IceWing with the green back.

Firefly realised after a second they were staring at her, waiting for her name, but all she did was huff in indignance. "Firefly, I guess. Not sure why you need to know."

The SkyWing-SeaWing frowned. "Um - Because, maybe - we'll be staying here? With you? T-that is kind of the point..."

She trailed off when she realised Firefly was staring disinterestedly at the wall and picking her claws. A hidden smirk worked it's way up her face. Good. Let them ignore her.

The greenish IceWing however paced towards the exit of the cave and seemed to be looking out into the hallway. "I don't suppose any of you would want to go and have a little poke around the school?"

"And meet that Over-enthusiastic NightWing again?" Firefly scoffed. "I think not."

"A-and I'd rather not meet other dragons either..." The hybrid mumbled. Ugh, great. She wasn't going to be alone anymore. But at least she could be free from the annoying male dragon. I mean, who needed them anyway?

Evergreen or whatever shrugged and stepped out of the cave, leaving them alone, neither one talking. Oh great. This was going to be awkward.

"So." Firefly shrugged, not trying to sound too interested, but not too superior either. It was a fine balance.

"S-so." Kaioa, the SeaWing - SkyWing hybrid, replied.

"Do you always stutter like that?" Firefly jabbed harshly. Kaioa lowered her head in shame.

"U-um, yes. I-I'm sorry."

"No matter." Firefly dismissed her with a wave of a claw. "Just asking. So, you're a subroyal, I see." She mused, shooting a glance at her patterned wings. Kaioa quickly drew them in closer to herself.

"Y-yeah. My grandfather is Cerulean, you might have h-heard of him. H-he's from Turtle's hatching -"

"I know the history." Firefly interrupted, sparing herself from a history lesson. "So, not in line for the throne then." She pressed on.

"N-no. Are you?"

Firefly laughed, spreading her wings wide. "Me? Moons, no. I should be, though." She added with a spark of mischief in her eyes. "No, the SkyWing heir is around here somewhere, though. Princess Rosethorn, or something?"

"O-oh, maybe we'll meet her!" Kaioa stammered, projecting excitement into her voice, although Firefly suspected from the giveaway tone that this was something she definitely didn't want to do.

"So, I'm guessing you have lots of siblings, then." Firefly asked, moving away from the topic to spare herself the embarrassment.

"Y-you could say that. There's my s-sisters, Starfish, Z-Zephyr and Ripple, and my b-brothers, Lightning and T-Twister." She stammered. "What about you?"

She doesn't need to know, Firefly thought, but what came out of her mouth was very different. "Dawn and Dusk. One Firescales, one Fireless."

"O-only two?"

"Only two, yes, we're triplets. Moons, you'll be as bad as Mudwings soon!" Firefly laughed against her will. Surprisingly, Kaioa joined in too.

Firefly dropped down from the beams of the cave shaking her wings out as she landed by the hybrid's side.

"I wouldn't say no to the prey center now." She shrugged. "What do you say?"

"Y-yeah? B-but come straight back here afterwards, right?" Kaioa assured. Firefly snorted a bout of steam.

"Right?" She called as she padded out of the cave and into the corridor.


Written by -littlefirefly and StarvioletFury

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