15 | No way! It gets dark in the evenings?

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Rosethorn stared at Dayfly, her eyes widening in disbelief. "You're a princess too?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. The revelation sent a shockwave through her, shattering her preconceived notions about the young HiveWing. She had never actually expected to find another princess among their group, especially not one who had kept her true identity a secret. Why would you do that, anyway? You can demand anything of anyone! Except the Queen herself, but that wouldn't matter if she was your mother!

Then again, another look at Dayfly told her it probably wasn't something HiveWing would want to do, anyway.

Dayfly nodded, her wings fluttering one nervously. "Yes, I am," she confirmed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I am the daughter of Queen Glasswing."

Rosethorn's mind raced, trying to process this new information. Then she remembered with a spur of triumph that she had, indeed, noticed the royal qualities in her when they first met.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Rosethorn asked, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and confusion.

Dayfly looked down, her gaze fixed on the ground. "I wanted to keep it a secret," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "I didn't want anyone to treat me differently because of my status. I wanted to be seen for who I am, not just as a princess."

Rosethorn understood her sentiment. She had often felt the weight of her own title, the expectations and responsibilities that came with being a princess. It was a relief to be able to spend time with Dayfly without the burden of their royal identities.

"I understand," Rosethorn said softly, reaching out to touch Dayfly's wing. "You don't have to hide anymore. We can be ourselves, princesses or not."

"But you needed to know that... Because I know something that you should know."

Rosethorn frowned. She paused. Scratched her head. "I'm sorry, what?"

Dayfly didn't laugh. "I've been to Royal meetings between the HiveWings and SeaWings." She admitted. Cogs started to turn in Rosethorn's head.

"You've seen Alaska?" She asked.

"Yes. But, I've also seen Seafoam there. She wasn't meant to be."

"What's wrong?" Rosethorn asked, her voice filled with concern.

"It seems that Seafoam has a deep-rooted hatred for Alaska, and I suspect that their sudden disappearance has something to do with it."

"Oh. Ohhhhh. You don't think..."

Dayfly's eyebrows furrowed. "I do think so."

"We need to report this to Whitefly," Rosethorn said firmly, her voice filled with determination. "We can't waste any more time. Alaska's life could be in danger."

"Don't forget Firefly, Kaioa and the others, too." Dayfly added.

"Exactly. Dayfly, come on!"

The two dragons made their way to Whitefly's chambers, their minds filled with worry and urgency. They knew that the fate of their friend rested in their hands, and they were determined to uncover the truth behind Alaska's disappearance.

As they entered the room, Whitefly looked up from their desk, their eyes filled with concern. "What is it?" They asked, their voice laced with worry.

Rosethorn took a deep breath, her voice steady as she relayed the information they had gathered. She explained Dayfly's revelation, Seafoam's hatred for Alaska, and their suspicions about their friend's disappearance.

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