6 | The worst place EVER

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This place was the worst. The absolute WORST. Seafoam was a hundred percent sure of it. She remembered the exact conversation that went down when Aunt Snail told her that she was going. “Good morning, Seafoam,” the traitor said.

“Good morning,” said the unsuspecting niece.

“I have something to tell you,” Aunt Snail said.

“Okay, what’s up?” asked Seafoam. Ever since her parents had died, she lived with her aunt. Aunt Snail was the best. Or so Seafoam thought. Aunt Snail took a deep breath.

“Seafoam,” she explained, “You’ve been very… non outgoing since what happened to your parents. I think that it’ll be good for you to hang out with other dragons your age.”

“What do you mean?” Seafoam questioned.

Aunt Snail sighed again. “I’m sending you to Jade Mountain Academy.”

A lot of bad, VERY bad things happened after that.

First, Seafoam was forced to go into this school of awfulness. Aunt Snail had even insisted on going inside with her. “Why are you going inside with me?” Seafoam had asked. Aunt Snail smiled and answered, “I’m going so you don’t sneak out of this.”

Ugh, there went that plan. Then second, THE LITERAL MOST ANNOYING DRAGON ON THE CONTINENT took Seafoam to her cave. “You’ll love this place!” Stargazer chirped. “I should know, my grandparents founded it!”

I KNOW THAT YOU SEA SLUG!! Seafoam thought, annoyed. It’s only the FIFTIETH time you’ve mentioned it. But, the WORST thing that happened did in fact happen. Princess Alaska. The heir to both the SeaWing and IceWing thrones. When Stargazer introduced her as Seafoam’s clawmate, Seafoam almost lost it.

Fortunately, Alaska kept her distance. She still triggered Seafoam’s memory that had traumatized her, though.

Seafoam had been about one year old when her parents died. She remembered it like it was yesterday...

It was just a fun day at the beach. Her mother was teaching her to catch fish. Her father was teaching her to build sandcastles. Everything was perfect… until it wasn’t. Seafoam was collecting shells when she heard wings flapping.

Princess Wavepool, snarling and glaring, landed on the beach. “Your Majesty,” Seafoam’s mother greeted her politely, “To what do we owe this honor?”

The princess hissed. “You know what you did!” she snarled.

“No, er, what?” asked Seafoam’s father. Wavepool didn't wait for answers; lunged toward Gulf and attacked him. She whispered something, but Seafoam didn’t hear what it was. After she whispered whatever she did, she snapped his neck like a twig and lunged toward Seafoam’s mother.

“Run!” Angelfish had shouted to Seafoam. The little dragonet did, not knowing how bad of a mistake that was. All she knew was that if anyone would kill Wavepool, it would be her.

Seafoam had honestly wanted to hurt Princess Alaska many, many times. But it was as if some uncontrollable force was protecting the hybrid. Seafoam didn’t know or care.

So, the next day when Alaska said that they had to meet their Winglet, Seafoam just shrugged and followed her.

When they entered the classroom, a brightly coloured LeafWing walked up to Seafoam and Alaska. “Hello, my name is Heliamphora,” the LeafWing told them. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Seafoam and that’s Alaska.” Seafoam couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the introverted princess in the corner.

“Hmmmm, aren’t those markings on your scales royal?” Heliamphora asked Alaska.

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