10 | You always see the best in everything

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Allure, his scales bright and blue like icicles, sat on a mossy rock outside Jade Mountain Academy, his tail twitching with nervous energy. As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the academy, Allure's heart fluttered with anticipation as he waited. She'll come. I asked her to after class, and she said yes.

I think. Did I interpret that wrong?

No, no, she will come. I just beg that Koi hasn't got a gist of this...

Just then, someone turned the corner, but it wasn't Alaska. Heliamphora, the bright and colourful LeafWing from a few days ago, jumped in Allure's direction.

"Allure!" She exclaimed, recognising him immediately.

"Oh, Heliamphora." He nodded in acknowledgement. "Haven't seen you around much."

"No, neither!" She giggled, pausing to rest on the log opposite him.

"How's life been treating you?" He asked, but his heart was only half in the question, still staring out to the school and waiting.

"Oh, alright, you know. That music assignment yesterday was fun - you should've seen, I made Apollo and Brittlebush play the maracas" she snickered.

"Hah, yeah, must've been hilarious." He said absent-mindedly.

Heliamphora squinted. "YOU are waiting for someone." She declared, and she was absolutely right. "A special someone, methinks."

"Uhm, no. Where d'you get that from?"

The LeafWing huffed, not appreciating being blatantly lied to. "I can SEE that. Don't ignore me. Honestly, youngsters these days." She trilled.

"Helia - you're my age -"

"I most certainly am NOT! I am a whole TWO YEARS older than you! And anyway, I'm going to go find Apollo and Brittle, See ya around, Allure!"

"You too!" He remembered to call absently before resuming his position on the log. Would she ever stop talking? He snorted to himself. She wouldn't find Brittlebush going that way anyway, Allure knew she was talking to the other princesses outside grounds. Princess Rosethorn, mainly. Alaska had been there before she'd promised to come and meet him...

Not, like, in a romantic way or anything... Although that would be pure bliss, no, more than that, but it would never happen. His talons fingered the scroll beside him worryingly.

And then a gentle flapping made him look up, and she was there.

Finally, he spotted Alaska approaching, her scales shimmering in the fading light. Allure's overly positive nature kicked in, and a wide smile spread across his face.

Finally. I knew she'd come.

"Alaska!" He smiled, shifting over on the log to make space for her to sit down. Alaska, her introverted personality evident, approached shyly.

"H-hi." She stammered, glancing around for what Allure reckoned was Koi before sitting down. Allure smiled, his wing twitching as he fought against the urge to drop it gently around Alaska, who seemed to be shivering slightly against the cold.

"How's school?" He asked on impulse, all his planned conversations diving out of the window. Alaska grinned.

"You doofus, we're in the same Winglet. You know what's been going on."

"No, but," Allure said, "What's been going on for you. Not everyone perceives things the same way."

"O-oh, um, when you put it that way..." She stuttered. "Koi is being annoying as ever." She sighed. Allure stiffened at the mention of her self appointed bodyguard.

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