16 | Are you denying me my evil monologue?

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Something heavy was on her tail. That seemed all that her brain was able to register as her eyes flickered open, briefly, and then fell shut again as if they were cemented together.

The heavy thing on her tail didn't move. Whatever it was, it was cold and... cold...er...

Kaioa slowly opened her eyes again, her head throbbing with pain. As her vision cleared, she realized she was no longer outside the underwater cave. She was in it.  Glancing around, Kaioa found herself in a dimly lit chamber, the cold stone floor sending shivers down her spine. Panic gripped her heart as she tried to remember how she ended up here.

Struggling to sit up, Kaioa noticed the heavy chains that bound her to the wall. They led to her tail, and were stone cold to the touch. That was what was on her tail, then. She tugged at them, but they held firm, digging into her scales. Fear and frustration welled up inside her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure.

Just as despair began to settle in, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the chamber. Kaioa's heart raced as a dark blue figure swam elegantly into the room, flanked by a mint green SeaWing and a dark MudWing...

Seafoam and Mahogany. And... Is that... Princess Wavepool?

Kaioa looked up at them, and her suspicions  were confirmed.

"FINALLY," Wavepool sneered, her voice dripping with impatience. "I hope you've had a pleasant nap, then. I'll have you know we've been WAITING for AGES for you to wake up!"

Kaioa's voice trembled as she spoke, her words barely audible. "W-what do you want from me?"

Wavepool's smile widened, revealing her sharp teeth. "Ha! HA! I want what's mine..." She said sinisterly.

When Kaioa didn't get it immediately, she growled and threw her talons up to her snout irritatedly.

"The throne, I want the throne, you dense prisoner. And you are the key to achieving that."

Kaioa's eyes widened in disbelief. "But I have no claim to it!"

Wavepool chuckled darkly. "Oh, my naive little hostage, you underestimate the power of manipulation."

Kaioa reckoned she saw Mahogany shiver by Seafoam's side, but decided it must've just been a trick of the light; he seemed solid as ever.

"You may not have a direct claim, but with you by my side, I can convince Queen Lyonsia to abdicate in my favor." Wavepool mused.

Think of Firefly, Alaska, Stormcaller. Be strong.

"A-a-and what makes you think the queen will listen t-to you? Y-you're nothing but a power-h-hungry princess."

Wavepool's eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "I have my ways, hostage."

Seafoam's gaze faltered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. She glanced at Mahogany, who remained silent, his eyes devoid of any emotion.

As the tension in the room grew, Kaioa's mind raced, searching for a way to escape. However, Wavepool got there first. "Guards. Grab her chains, and lead her with me."

Before she could react, there was a yank on her tail and Kaioa was being pulled through the water beside two burly SeaWings, dragging the chains in-between them. Jetstreams of bubbles were displaced as she struggled to reposition herself, failed, and ended up accepting the constant force of the movement.

Cold water pulsed around her body, she was aware of Wavepool and her spies swimming a little way in front, through a path Kaioa herself had taken many times. She pictured herself, flapping out behind them like some sort of wrapper - and quickly shoved the image from her mind.

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