4 | A very nice, totally not suspicious SeaWing

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Grapevine sat perched on the edge of a tree trunk, staring down at the gathering of dragons below him. Somewhere down there, there was that IceWing from earlier, and his other two Clawmates. Somewhere down there was also that SilkWing...

How in the name of the moons did I end up here? Grapevine thought to himself with a sigh. As he looked ahead, the SeaWing Firefly had told him to meet, who turned out to be called Tide, was chasing a squirrel from the prey pile. Grapevine watched with an amused smile, as the events of the last few hours washed over him like a fountain.


"Ugh... so many dragons...." grapevine thought to himself. "why did I have to come here again?" His mother's words echoed in his mind:

"It'll be a great bonding experience for you! plus, you may even meet someone special~"

Right. Definitely.

Suddenly, a Silkwing came up to him. They were pink and purple colored and had bright orange-yellow eyes. Why me, out of all these other RainWings around me? He thought. for some reason, they immediately started criticizing pretty much everything about him. "Why are you so dark? Aren't you a rainwing?" The Silkwing said interrogatively. "And what's with the droopy frills? You're so weird."

"Um.. p-please don't talk to me..." Grapevine said apprehensively.

"What was that? I can't hear you, Droopy." the Silkwing replied rudely.

"u-uhm..." Grapevine stuttered.

"Hey you!" a voice said. Grapevine looked around to find that an orangish skywing was rapidly approaching. he curled in on himself instinctively. "Who do you think you are, pushing around rainwings?" the skywing said accusingly, unfolding their wings threateningly.

"Who do you think you are, trying to scare me?!" the silkwing barked back. they looked like they were up for a challenge.

"I am Firefly! And I'll burn your snout if you don't back up!" the skywing-firefly-said. "Ever heard of firescales?"

Suddenly the silkwing wasn't up for a challenge. They actually looked rather scared, which was totally fair. Grapevine had heard stories of dragons who had too much fire and therefore even their scales themselves burned anything they touched. Suddenly, he was scared, too. he curled in on himself even more.

"I-I was done with these idiots anyways!" the Silkwing spat out. and just like that, they flew off as suddenly as they appeared. a smug smile had made its way onto Firefly's face, not that grapevine noticed it. he looked back towards Firefly, with that same melancholy expression.

"Thank you..." he muttered. He wasn't up for talking right now. In fact, he wasn't up for talking ever.

"Well, you are an odd-looking rainwing." firefly said, seemingly not hearing him. Grapevine opened his mouth to reply as a loud voice took over the plateau. it was a nightwing, who was way too excited for grapevine. They looked over the other dragons on the plateau, and boomed a hello.

"That kind of looks like Fatespeaker and Starflight," he said quietly.

The skywing next to him must have heard him over the chatter of the others, because she replied, "Might be, yeah."

the nightwing-Stargazer, he learned- then said something about being related to Starflight and Fatespeaker, their grandson, if he heard correctly.

He lit up a little at that, happy to be correct. "I told you he looked like them, didn't I?" he realized he was sounding too excited, and quickly banished it to the dark depths of his mind. Firefly either didn't notice or didn't say anything. She then muttered something, and began to walk away from him, and Grapevine sighed.

"And just leave me alone?" He called.

"Um... Look, over there, there's a very nice, totally not suspicious looking SeaWing! Go talk to them!"

She disappeared, leaving him alone again. No harm in talking to him, I guess... Grapevine thought.

The SeaWing turned out to be called Tide - the one with blueish wings and a sandy tinge. He seemed like quite a sincere and hardworking dragon, and he and Grapevine got along quickly. Give a few topics, though, and they were onto the subject of food.

"You know, D'you want to go to the Prey Center?" Tide asked.

"Oh, um... Yeah, I guess so." There would be more dragons there, though. Non-Tide dragons. Loud, noisy, and unsafe dragons. But he eventually decided better and approached Stargazer, who started to lead them towards the Prey Center.

As he followed the purple-black nightwing, he noticed many dragons in smaller caves off of the main tunnel. there was an orange-yellow skywing, a purplish-orange.. rainwing? nightwing? maybe both? Probably both. And a blue and yellow Silkwing. "Here's your cave! enjoy meeting your clawmates, later!" Stargazer said loudly.

Grapevine flinched at the noise, seeing as they were in close quarters. Then, the nightwing was gone, probably to help others find their sleeping caves. Grapevine glanced into the cave, apprehension evident in his gaze. he saw several dragons in there: Firefly, the skywing who stood up for him earlier, and a pinkish-red dragon that he couldn't identify.

As the other two dragons stood in awkward silence, he decided that, as much as he didn't want to, he'd step into the small cave with the mystery dragons. as he walked in, he accidentally tripped over his own talons. he fell to the ground with an audible thud. the dragons turned to look at him suddenly, as they had clearly heard his fall.

"A-are you okay?" the reddish dragon asked in concern.

"..yes, I-I'm fine..." came the answer of a humiliated grapevine.

"That didn't sound fine," firefly said.

"Yes, really, I said I'm fine.." Grapevine was more firm now. he felt confident all of a sudden.

"We were going to go to the prey center," firefly said to nobody in particular.

"So were we!" Tide exclaimed from outside the cave. "We can go together!"

"I-I guess i'll come too..." Grapevine muttered. Firefly did NOT look very pleased.

Firefly started off down the hallway, with the reddish dragon and Tide following. With a heavy sigh, Grapevine followed behind them.


They were still out there, too. Grapevine could pick out the reddish dragon from earlier, chatting offhandedly to that purply-orange NightWing with the cautious look. Kaioa, he heard them say, and then frowned. Such a weird name. Everyone was weird here, anyway.

"Grapevine?" Tide suddenly startled him out of position, and the dull RainWing landed lopsidedly on the ground. Tide nudged a fish towards him, which he accepted gratefully.

"No luck with the squirrels?" Grapevine teased. Tide shook his head, and downed the plaice in one gulp.

"I could go back for more." He commented thoughtfully.

"O-oh, no thanks, I'm alright."

"There are loads of our Winglet over there, you know." He prompted.

"Oh." He was aware of Tide staring quizzically at him, and then the intention of his suggestion hit him. "Oh! Do we have to go talk?" He whined.

Tide laughed. "Yes! Come on, Grapevine, it'll be a great bonding experience!" You remind me of my mother, he thought miserably as he allowed Tide to drag him away towards the crowd of dragons.

Written by nimbasanerd and StarvioletFury

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