13 | Are you going to knock me out with that?

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Allure's heart raced as he and Alaska landed at the edge of the Sea Kingdom. The salty breeze whipped through his scales, and the crashing waves echoed in his ears. It was a beautiful and dangerous place, filled with mystery and secrets.

Alaska turned to Allure, her emerald eyes filled with sadness. "This is where we part ways, Allure," she said softly. "I have to go back to the Royal SeaWing family. Someone is trying to kill off all the heirs, and I need to protect myself."

Allure's sighed. Even knowing it was going to happen didn't make it any less painful. "Can't you stay with me? We can find a way to keep you safe together."

Alaska shook her head, a tear slipping down her cheek. "It's too dangerous, Allure. I can't risk your life too. Besides, I have a duty to my family."

Allure's heart sank, and he felt a lump forming in his throat. He knew Alaska was right, but that didn't make saying goodbye any easier. "I understand," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Koi, who had been listening silently, stepped forward. "I'm going with her," he declared, his voice filled with arrogance.

Allure turned to Koi, his eyes wide with surprise. "But Koi, you don't have to do this. You can stay with me."

Koi shook his head, his scales shimmering with loyalty. "I can't let Alaska face this danger alone. I care about her too much." He cast a warning glare at Allure, as if to stay 'Stay out of this. She's mine."

"No, really Koi, you don't have to -" Alaska stuttered.

"Oh yes Princess, I do! My heart belongs to you!" He declared, flicking his tail and hitting Allure in the process, who flinched and backed away.

Who am I kidding. She'll never choose me over that.

Allure sighed, realizing he couldn't change their minds. "Just promise me you'll both stay safe," he said, his voice filled with worry.

Alaska nodded, her gaze filled with determination. "We will, Allure. We'll do whatever it takes to protect ourselves."

With a heavy heart, Allure watched as Alaska and Koi disappeared into the depths of the Sea Kingdom. He knew he had to let them go, but the ache of their absence lingered.

"They're not gone forever." He says aloud, as if assuring himself would make it any better. "They'll come back."

"... she'll come back. She has to."

Allure spread his wings and prepared to fly back to Jade Mountain Academy, his mind filled with worry for Alaska and Koi. But before he could take off, there was a sharp growling noise from behind him.

Allure spun, and immediately two burly SeaWings pounced on top of him, dragging him to the ground. He slammed into the earth, sending grass flying, and slashed back at them as they held him down.

Claws hit claws as the three dragons rolled in a grappling fight - they teared viciously through his scales, quickly overpowering him, binding his wings and dragging him to a boulder.

"W-what are you d-doing?!" He choked, as his battered wings grazed blood-stained earth. One SeaWing wordlessly held him down, whilst the other started to move the boulder towards him.

Are they going to try to knock me out with that?!

Another look at the boulder made his scales crawl with panic.

Oh, Clearsight! That could KILL me!

Quick, quick, quick, what to do?!

With another thought, his talons started to rake the ground directly below his neck, unnoticeably, whilst he stared up at his captors and tried to talk his way out of this again.

"E-excuse me, have you got the wrong dragon?" He stammered. The dragon looked him up and down.

"Blue scales? RainWing? Waiting wistfully by the edge? Right dragon." He growled.

"But what have I done--?!"

With the speed of a bulldozer, the other SeaWing rolled the boulder straight towards him. All he felt was a sharp splinter somewhere in his head regions - a brief period of dizzy spinning sensation - and then the darkness washed over him like a shadow.


A dimly lit cave. A group of eyes glancing over him. The trickle of water at his feet... One by one Allure's senses returned, until he was conscious enough to sit upright and glance around his surroundings.

He was in a cave - submerged up to the ankles in seawater, and deep into the side of a mountain. He tried to move to get a better vantage point, but a sudden wrench and a clanking caught him in place.

Clank- clank - creakkkkk.

Chains. Clearsight... Oh, Clearsight....

"What's going on?" Allure asked, his voice trembling. He was suddenly aware of the presence of three other dragons, sat hunched over him like statues.

A SkyWing, and two hybrids.

The SkyWing glared at him, her eyes filled with anger. "We've been captured, just like you." She stated as if it was obvious.

Allure's heart pounded in his chest as he looked around, realizing the gravity of their situation. "We have to find a way out," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Another's voice trembled as she spoke, tears streaming down her face. "There's no way out. We're trapped."

The third, who had been silent until now, spoke with a voice filled with bitterness. "I've been here the longest. I've seen dragons come and go, but none of them ever escape. We're doomed."

Allure refused to accept their fate. "We can't give up hope," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "There must be a way."

As the dragons huddled together, the sound of rushing water filled the cave. Panic spread through their ranks as they realized the water level was rising.

"We're going to drown," The crying dragon whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Or we'll be taken." The SkyWing added hoarsely. "They take one of us every few days. Last time it was Avocado."

The crying dragon broke down in another fit of tears.

Allure's mind raced, searching for a solution. "We have to find higher ground," he called. "There must be a way to survive."

"We can't move." They said bitterly, each one chiming in.

"Welcome to The Cave, RainWing."

"No-one ever leaves The Cave."


Is this really the right thing to do...

Yeah. Who cares if it isn't, anyway? You can just run away.

"Keep up!" Seafoam hissed in his ear, urging him further through the ocean. "She'll be waiting for us!"

"She will, indeed." Came a cold voice from there backs. Both dragons froze in the water, and spun to face the disapproving face of Princess Wavepool.

"So." She mused, tapping a finger at Seafoam. "You came back."

"And I brought another spy." She declared proudly, nudging Mahogany forwards.

Seriously, is that ALL I am to her? A SPY?

Not that I care, anyway. Right.

"I hear that you require information on Jade Mountain on order to take over the throne." Mahogany bowed - but not too much, of course - it's not like she's MY Queen.

"I do... And I suppose you have some?"

"Actually, your Highness." Seafoam interrupted, her eyes glinting in eagerness to please. "We certainly do. You see, a certain important Princess has developed a crush that can be used against her..."

"Ah..." Wavepool grinned back, her evil eyes matching Seafoam's. "Perfect. My favourite bait...."

Written by StarvioletFury

Bonus points if you spotted the Hidden World reference :3

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