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Nectar sat on her silk hammock, her tail twitching nervously. Ever since Alaska left she'd more been agitated than usual but she wasn't sure why. Was it possible she worried for the hybrid princess? No.

Nectar shook her head. Alaska wasn't her friend, she was just a Clawmate, plus any close friend or family would just treat her like nothing.

"Like Mother and Father did," her mind whispered.

Nectar shook her head. They were gone. She wouldn't be found. She was on a whole different continent, for Clearsight's sake.

Her human, Hydrangea, grunted as she climbed the silk rope leading up to the hammock.

"Nectar, for the last time, not all dragons are like your parents," the little human said, putting a hand on her talon. Nectar smiled at Hydrangea. At there was someone she could trust.

She grabbed another book, this one about how the Othermind was stopped, and curled up in her hammock to read. As she was reading about how Luna flew into the Abyss to find and save Dusky, her mind circled back to her parents. Would they do that? Risk dying to save their only daughter?

Once again, no. They wouldn't.

She bit her her lip as tears threatened to fall. She wished her parents cared. She put down her book, she lay her head in her talons, dreaming of the past as she fell asleep.


"Dragonet! Get me a drink!" Sunflower snarled at the nameless HiveWing who squeaked and scrambled away, returning with a lime lemon drink. Her mother snarled and raked her claws across the dragonet's snout.


The dragonet flinched away and quickly returned with some ice, dropping it in the drink. Sunflower sat back, sipping her drink as the dragonet scampered away to weed the garden.

The HiveWing sat in the garden, digging up carrots and potatoes, when suddenly her arm broke through the soil into a small den, probably from the gophers she had scared away a few moons ago.

"Hey!" Squeaked a small voice, a small head popping out of the hole. The HiveWing yelped, scrambling back, crushing the basket of potatoes. She winced at the splinters in her tail, wiping the mashed potato off.

She looked at the animal, noticing it's hair pulled into a ponytail and the scraps of cloth wrapped around it.

"How did you talk?!" Squeaked to small dragonet, still staring at it.

"I'm a human, and I learned your language," said the animal, as if it was obvious, scrambling out of the hole and coming up to her.

The dragonet looked at the 'human' trying to absorb and register what it said.


A door creaked open and talonsteps sounded in the grass. The HiveWing dragonet looked behind her in fear, waving the human away.

"Go!" She whispered, gently picking it up and putting it in the bushes. "My mother is coming!" The human protested a bit but the dragonet shushed it, fear evident in her eyes.


The human nodded, quieting down. Suddenly, a talon grabbed her by the tail, yanking her away. She stared into the egg yellow eyes of her mother.

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