9 | For SEVEN YEARS, you know. SEVEN. YEARS.

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"Look, that's him!"

"The guy who's dating Alstroemeria?"

"Look at his scales!"

"Look at his eyes!"

Never in his life had Anubis been followed by so much attention, so many whispers behind his back and around him, everywhere. Even his Clawmates, Koi and Ferret, looked at him with an air of awe whenever he brought up the topic, as if they didn't beleive someone like him could date someone like her.

He didn't care, though. Nothing mattered, as long as Alstroemeria was with him. She was like the beacon that kept him going, recently - forget the 'like', she was his world. Never before had he looked at someone with such intense care, admiration, and - dare he say it - love.

There was a loud thud at talonsteps entered his dorm, and Anubis looked up, shocked out of his daydream. Koi paced in and sat down, a thunderous expression on his face.

"Something keeping you down?" He asked politely, imprinting off some of Alstroemeria's recent enthusiasm.

Koi grumbled unintelligibly in response. "Just because everything's sunshine and rainbows in your love life, doesn't mean everything is in mine." Anubis heard him say under his breath. He realised, with a sigh, what Koi was referring to.

"This is about Princess Alaska, isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I just don't GET it!" Koi exclaimed. "I've loved her for SEVEN YEARS, Anubis, SEVEN. YEARS. And she's showed absolutely NO signs of affection!"

"Maybe she just - doesn't love you back?" Anubis offered, trying to support his friend without hurting his feelings.

"Then what am I doing wrong?! I protect her, I compliment her - what more could she want?!"

"Y'know, some... Real love? You can't force that upon her."

Koi paused, dropping the pottery he was caressing - which Anubis saw to be an ornate pot they'd made the other day - and looked up at him incredulously. "You - you can't?"

"No! Koi, did anyone ever teach you about relationships anyway?"

"No..." He admitted, annoyed. "But that's not what it is. The princess is just too stubborn to realise it. She's deluding herself with that ugly blue RainWing." He growled. Anubis realised with a jolt that he was referring to Allure.

"I... Don't think that's it..."

"It IS. But don't worry. I'll get that little shrub out the way, one way or another." The determined quality in his voice made Anubis worry that he'd get into another fight, when Allure was most likely harmless. But before he could voice his opinion, there was a gentle knock at the wall of the cave.

Anubis got up immediately, recognising the knock and dismissing Koi's angry mutter of 'go off and ignore my issues, whatever.'

He stepped outside and gazed into Alstroemeria's lime green eyes for a long second, getting lost in those irises, until she batted him away playfully. "Hey, lover boy." She said, smirking. "Want to go to the tree?"

Anubis smiled, feeling like he was taking shining golden hours out of a joy that didn't belong to him. "Of course."

She grabbed his talons and they took off, only stopping when they came to rest at the trunk of an old secluded tree on the outskirts of the grounds. Alstroemeria laid back, giggling, outstretching her silver flecked wings. Anubis nestled by her side, glancing over at her smiling face and feeling its positivity radiating through them.

|| Wings Of War And Silver || A Wings Of Fire ApplyficWhere stories live. Discover now