14 | Time to follow a mysterious blood trail into the ocean

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⚠️ TW: a little bit of blood ⚠️


Kaioa, Stormcaller, Firefly, and Ghostberry landed at the edge of the Sea Kingdom, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of Seafoam or Mahogany. The air was thick with anticipation as they prepared to investigate the area. Stormcaller, his wings twitching with unease, spoke up first.

"I'm telling you, there's something off about them," he said, his voice filled with urgency. "I can feel it in my bones."

Firefly rolled her eyes, dismissing Stormcaller's concerns. "You're always overreacting," she retorted. "We're just here to find Seafoam and Mahogany, not uncover some grand conspiracy."

Ghostberry, unsure of what to believe, looked between the two dragons. "I don't know what to think," they admitted, their voice tinged with uncertainty. "But we should at least investigate before jumping to conclusions."

Kaioa, feeling overwhelmed by the tension, spoke up timidly. "I-I just want to go back to JMA," she stammered. "This whole mission feels... wrong."

Stormcaller huffed, although casting her a knowing glance. "I'm SURE something's wrong with their disappearance!" He insisted.

"For all we know, they might just have run off for a bit of hunting!" Firefly snapped, turning her back on Stormcaller. "Come on, are you going to satisfy yourself by looking at this empty clearing, or not?"

As they continued their search, the group scoured the area for any clues that might lead them to Seafoam and Mahogany. But despite their efforts, they found nothing. Frustration began to creep into their voices as they exchanged disappointed glances.

Ghostberry, ever observant, suddenly called out. But their voice was neither excited nor revealing.

It was grim, and their face was white. Kaioa soon saw why.

Scratched in the dirt, at the foot of a large boulder... Was a name. Allure?

Wasn't he that jumpy RainWing from... Gold Winglet, was it? Did he carve this?

Then her heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of the red puddle next to it, scattered in drops to the waters' edge. Blood. Oh Clearsight, that's blood.

Ghostberry leaned down, and tapped a talon on the puddle, sending ripples across it's surface. "Still fresh..." He murmured in alarm.

Suddenly something dawned on Kaioa. The blood leads to the ocean. I'm the only SeaWing.

Oh no no no no no....

But if I don't do this... What could happen to Allure?

And what if Stormcaller's right?

She was shocked out of her thoughts by Stormcaller's talon on her shoulder.

"Kaioa...." He sighed. "I know you just want to go home, but--"

"I k-k-know." She stammered, cutting him off. "I-I'll go."

"What?" Firefly snapped.

"I'll d-dive down and see if I can find anything," Kaioa offered, her voice filled with determination. "W-We need to know what h-happened here."

Ghostberry nodded, worry etched across their face. "Be careful, Kaioa," they warned. "We don't know what we're dealing with."

Firefly too shuffled on her feet next to them, nodding in agreement. "Yeah... Don't die." She admitted begrudgingly. "You may be a nervous wreck, but you're our nervous wreck."

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