5 | So we've got Looney Tunes here, great

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Jade Mountain Academy is a lot... Different to what I expected. He thought curiously as his gaze wandered around the many dragons in the prey center. It's like they can't hear me. But that's good, I guess. I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone. Then again, what if they wanted to be friends?

His contemplation was interrupted by a loud screech as a yellow and navy dragon crashed into the hall, shouting "I KNOW YOU'RE COMINGGGGGGGGG!"

All the students stopped to stare for a second as the hybrid brushed himself off with a sheepish grin, and mumbled. "T-The rain. The rain is coming. It's going to rain. Carry on."

Daybreak turned to his own thoughts again, and lingered on the faces of the dragons he'd seen around. I wonder who will be in my Winglet. The white hybrid Princess? Maybe one of the other two, as well? Perhaps that blueish RainWing that passed?

"Excuse me?" His thoughts were interrupted by a light tapping on the shoulder. Daybreak whirled around to see a gaggle of NightWings standing there. Their leader seemed to be a confident, flame-patterned dragon, and he was flanked by a scrawny, misty orange runt and a tall, silent companion.

"Hey!" The reddish flaming one called, brandishing his talons feircely. "Come to meet a fellow NightWing!"

From the way that the other two cringed and hid their heads in their wings, this did not seem to be optional.

"I'm Abyssfire!" The leader called, completely oblivious to his companion's shame. "These two embarrassments here are Omicron and Astrophile."

"That is a bit rude." Daybreak pointed out, although internally very amused at the exchange.

"What do I care? It's true." He stated simply.

"We can hear you, you know." Astrophile, the one with the dark navy scales, looked down scornfully. Omicron nodded along with him.

"Who are you, anyway? Come on, NightWings stick together you know!" Abyssfire protested.

"Daybreak." He muttered, raising his eyebrows.

"See." He bragged, turning his head to Astrophile and Omicron. "I told you she'd be a nice girl."

Daybreak instantly tensed at his words. How dare - but they don't know -

"I - I - N-not girl - b-boy." He spluttered. "I'm a boy. I'm trans."

"Oh, okay." Abyssfire brushed off. "Sorry."

"No it's, uh, you didn't know."

Just then, there came a cry from the other end of the hall. "SILVER WINGLET DRAGONS!! COME OVER HERE, I WANT TO MEET YOUUUU!!" And of course, it's THAT dragon again. The yellow and navy one.

"Do you have to go?" Omicron squeaked. "None of us are in Silver Winglet, so it must be you."

"Oh, oh, yeah." Daybreak muttered. Well, there went that plan. No more pretending not to be in Silver Winglet for me.

Another holler from the crazy hybrid silenced his thoughts.

Oh, yay. Such fun I'm getting myself into.

"Well, I'm going to go and talk to some of the other NightWing hybrids." Abyssfire declared. Daybreak paused.

"There are NightWing hybrids here?"

"Oh yes!" Abyssfire nodded gleefully. Astrophile quietly extended a talon and pointed at a pair of what looked like LeafWings, but upon closer look could have been NightWing hybrids across the room.

|| Wings Of War And Silver || A Wings Of Fire ApplyficWhere stories live. Discover now