8 | Love's a beautiful thing, you should try it sometime

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Evergreen sat in the music class at Jade Mountain Academy, his wings folded neatly against his sides. The IceWing's scales shimmered in the soft light, reflecting the icy blue hues of his surroundings. He glanced around the room, his eyes searching for a familiar face.

"Alright, class," Transluce, the music teacher, announced, breaking Evergreen's train of thought. Music. Right. His gaze wavered across the room, surveying the dragons there.

Kaioa, and Firefly. Grapevine too. My roommates.

A MudWing. That SkyWing princess - Rosethorn, was it? And the SeaWing/IceWing I saw yesterday - Alaska. He recalled having to partner up with her, a twitchy SeaWing and a bright blue RainWing previously, for a writing task. Needless to say, it was not one of his more enjoyable moments.

"Today, we will be working on a special project. I want you all to partner up with someone and create a song together." Transluce said suddenly, interrupting him.

Evergreen's mind raced as he considered his options. He had always been a laid-back dragon, preferring to go with the flow rather than plan ahead. But when it came to music, he knew he needed a partner who could match his creativity and enthusiasm.

Where was he?

He has to be here. He's why I came, after all.

And then finally... He saw him.

His eyes landed on a fellow IceWing named Zaffre, who was sitting a few rows away. Zaffre had been Evergreen's childhood friend, and they had shared many adventures together. Evergreen's heart warmed at the thought of collaborating with his old companion.

With a heart warming grin, Evergreen stood up and made his way towards Zaffre. "Hey, Zaffre! Fancy making some music together?"

Zaffre's eyes widened in surprise, his scales flushing a deep shade of blue. "Evergreen?" He breathed, almost in surprise. "O-of course! But I thought -"

"I know." Evergreen cut him off with a wink. "But they can't keep us apart. Not any longer."

The two IceWings found an empty corner of the room and began brainstorming ideas for their song. Evergreen's mind buzzed with excitement as he strummed his talons against the desk, creating a catchy rhythm.

"I'm thinking something romantic," Evergreen suggested, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "A song that captures the beauty of love and friendship."

Zaffre nodded, his shy smile growing wider. "That sounds perfect. A-and... I have a name!"

"Really? Let's hear it?"

Zaffre sheepishly hung his head and flushed. "W-well, it's actually not that good..."

"Zaff, it'll be great." Evergreen assured.

"Well... What about, 'Fate's puppets'?"

"It's perfect."

As the two dragons worked on their song, a MudWing named Mahogany approached them. His scales were a rich, earthy brown, and his eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief. Evergreen eyed him warily, unsure of his intentions.

"Mind if I join you guys?" Mahogany asked, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "I've been looking for a group to work with, and you two seem like you know what you're doing."

Evergreen exchanged a glance with Zaffre before shrugging. "Sure, the more, the merrier. We could use some fresh ideas."

Mahogany's smile widened, but there was something unsettling about it. Evergreen couldn't quite put his talon on it, but he sensed that Mahogany wasn't as genuine as he appeared.

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