11 | This is some stupid noble reason, isn't it?

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Who cared about family if you had all the magic the world could ever need? He was an animus - probably the first MUDWING Animus in years! If his siblings knew, would they try to kill him? Absolutely, Mahogany thought, with a deceitful grin. I definitely would if it was my sibling that had magic.

Mahogany sat alone in his Winglet cave, surrounded by the comforting darkness.  The flickering light of a small fire danced across the walls, casting eerie shadows that seemed to mirror the deceitful nature of his thoughts. He was a MudWing known for his cunning and lies, weaving a web of deception that ensnared all who dared to trust him.

His siblings, or so he claimed, were dead. It was a lie he had carefully crafted, a tale of tragedy that garnered sympathy and trust from those who crossed his path. But in reality, his siblings were alive and well, living in the distant reaches of Pyrrhia. He had chosen to sever ties with them, to distance himself from any potential weakness or vulnerability. Like THEY'D ever know, anyway... For all they think, I never existed. He mulled over the day when he used his magic to erase his existence from their minds.

The other stupid Winglet members had left earlier. That infatuated IceWing, the oddly coloured RainWing, and the loud hybrid that was annoying as -

A sudden disturbance broke the silence. The sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the cave, growing louder with each passing moment. Mahogany's heart quickened, his mind racing to find an explanation for this unexpected intrusion.

A SeaWing emerged from the shadows, her mint scales shimmering in the dim light. Her eyes held a glint of determination, a spark that hinted at a hidden agenda.

"MudWing," she called out, her voice laced with a hint of urgency. "You are the silent and mysterious MudWing, right?"

Mahogany's eyes narrowed, suspicion clouding his features. "What do you want, Seafoam?" He spat her name like it was a curse.

Seafoam's gaze never wavered, her resolve unyielding. "I need your backup."

Mahogany snorted in astoundment, she was one to demand that indeed!

"For what exactly?" He said incredulously, already knowing he'd decline.

"Power." She said simply. She seemed to know she'd gotten his attention. And she had.

"I'm a spy for princess - no, Future Queen Wavepool. I've been sent here to find valuable information, and now, I'm reporting back to her."

"What's this got to do with me?" He huffed.

"I need your backup. I need you to come with me, and help me. I think... I think some of the SeaWing heirs are being protected by some sort of animus magic.

Mahogany paused, his heart freezing. Did she know? Could she know? About the magic he'd gotten from his murdered friend?

"Wavepool can help us rise to power, if she's Queen." Seafoam persuaded.

Mahogany's interest was piqued, his mind racing to assess the potential benefits and risks of such an alliance. He had always been drawn to power, to the allure of manipulating those in positions of authority. If Wavepool's plot succeeded, it could open doors to unimaginable possibilities.

"Why me?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism. "What makes you think I would be willing to help?"

Seafoam's lips curled into a sly smile, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and malice. "Because, Mahogany, you are a master of deception. Your skills in manipulation and cunning are unmatched. Wavepool believes that with your assistance, her plan will have a greater chance of success."

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