19 | NOBODY calls an evil mastermind 'in denial'

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FIRST OF ALL, WHY was she agreeing to this? Flying all the way to Pantala, just because some snotty definitely-evil Queen shut down the school?

Not to mention that half of her Winglet was mysteriously missing. That wasn't suspicious at all.

The red faced, stuttering hybrid had left, along with the other crazy hybrid, their IceWing (who, okay, was actually bearable to his credit), and the LeafWing who barely said a word.

Their HiveWing, Whitefly, had completely disappeared. Vamooshed.

Which left Vestal in a bit of a pickle, with no LeafWing and no HiveWing to accompany her to Pantala. She was going to be alone.

Which was fine, completely fine, except for the fact that she might be a tiny bit, little fraction of an amount... Scared.

There was no Griffin to help her here. What if she went rogue again? What if, this time, she actually did kill a...

No. That thought was not allowed here. Vestal pushed the image out of her mind and followed the empty hallways to the clearing like a zombie.

Four Pantalan dragons were waiting for her in the space, but she only recognised one of them. Dayfly - that insufferably positive HiveWing - was beaming at her as she approached. The rest were unknown to her: A LeafWing darker than she'd ever seen, and two SilkWings: one beige and freckled, the other deep red.

Vestal grumbled as she slunk into place beside them, determinedly ignoring Dayfly's perstering. (Vestal! Hi! These are my friends, wow, just LOOK at them! This LeafWing is Methuselah, and these two are Ladybug and Brook!)

After grabbing what was left of her bags and going through all the farewell procedures, Vestal stole one last glance at Jade Mountain Academy.

Admittedly, she was going to miss it.

A lot.

But Griffin couldn't complain about her 'Refusal of second chances' if she came back by force. Then again... She couldn't just ditch these ragtag dragons without them noticing.

Which left quite a dilemma, but a dilemma that would have to wait for later as the four Pantalan dragons prepared to take flight.


How was she going to manage this? It was getting me unbearable every wingbeat, and lurch closer she got to The Stronghold.

The Stronghold... Griffin's home. What if he'd left?

What if - her heart gave a nasty shiver - something had happened to him?

"Miss it already?" Came a deep and rumbling voice by her ear. The LeafWing was flying serenely by her side, her face shrouded in silence. What was her name? Methuselah?

Yes, that was it. Methuselah was looking at her expectantly.

"Oh. Yes." Vestal muttered dryly. "That's it."

"That doesn't seem like it." She frowned, lightly.

"Oh, leave her alone." Dayfly laughed, barreling under Ladybug. "She's just in denial!"

"In - in denial? I am NOT in denial!" Vestal spluttered.

"You so are. Though." Dayfly deadpanned with a goofy grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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