A Family Reunion!

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A tall man comes through the door. He has black hair and is wearing a green and gold suit. You almost scream at the sight of him but you remember that Tony and Steve are right down the hall.
" Loki, what the fuck are you doing here."
"Well, actually I am not here."
You throw a pen at his face and it goes right through him.
"Hey what was that for, he asked."
"I guess I just got it from Thor, you shrug."
"But seriously Loki, what are you doing here?"
"Is it too much to see my favorite sister, he asked."
" Loki number one you technically have two sisters but one was banished for some reason and number two we both know that you are not here for a cup of tea."
"Fine fine, you got me. I see living with these mortals has made you smarter but Y/n you are a goddess You should not be having to learn from mortals, you should be ruling them."
" Loki, these are my friends, they are the family I never had. I was always compared to you, Thor, and Father."
"Friends, that's pathetic, who needs friends when you have me? Y/n you weren't meant to rule with me not to live with these dull creatures, he yells."
At this point you start to break down, You know who should not show any emotions to the enemy but to hear your own family yell like this hurts.
While Loki keeps yelling you press the emergency button on your watch and Tony and Steve come right away. Loki does not notice as the TV is still on and you are crying.
"Y/n I wish I never let you leave Asgard. I should have let you stay in Odin's chambers."
Right as Loki is saying that Steve tries to capture Loki and detain him but he goes right through Loki. Loki laughs as Steve falls to the floor.
"Y/n these are the friends you were talking about, they seem pathetic just like you."
"Loki just goes away, you don't belong here, you say while crying."
Eventually, he leaves.

"Y/n what the fuck was that and what was he talking about leaving you in Odin's chambers you have some explaining to do, Tony keeps rambling on and on."
"Tony can you just shut up for once, Steve says."
Tony just rolls his eyes.
You tuned them out because you are having a panic attack and you should be focused on your breathing.
" Steve I... I need to be alone, you say while crying."
"OK, y/n I am right next door if you need anything."
Tony and Steve leave and all you have are your thoughts.

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