Earthquakes, Deaths, and Tears

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A:N Without further Ado.

Christmas Break has ended sadly. Peter loved the hoodies and we are currently wearing them now. All of the Avengers liked their bobbleheads. Now all of the Avengers know that you and Peter are dating.

"Hey, Y/n how was your break?" Ned asked.

"It was good. How about yours?"

"Good to. I got more Lego sets."

"Nice." You enter homeroom and sit next to Peter. The teacher starts talking. You can sense that there is something wrong with Peter.

"Parker, are you ok?" You whisper.

"No, I feel like something bad is about to happen."

"Well whatever happens I will be here with you."

"Thanks." As the teacher continues to talk, the classroom starts to shake."

"Everyone under your desks." The teacher yells. You run outside and behind the school. Hearing your teacher yell for you to get back under your desk. Once you're behind the school you press a button on your watch to activate your suit. This time Tony added sleeves. You run back into the building. You run to your homeroom to see some students gone like Flash Peter and some others.

"Lauryn connect me to Spidey."

"Yes y/n."

"Hey, Destiny."

"Hi, we have a lot of people in this building. How about you take the upper two floors and I will take the bottom two."

"Ok." You run into the building and go into a classroom as you step in the ceiling starts to cave in.

"Look, it's destiny." A kid says. You hold the ceiling up with your powers.

"OK everyone out." You yell. Everyone runs out. You do that with the other classrooms.

"Spidey how ya doing."

"Good I finished the one floor going to the next and I am almost done with the next one."

"Ok, the stairs will probably collapse so I will need you to get me."

"Ok let me know when."

"You got it." Every once in a while there is an aftershock.

You go into the last classroom on this floor and this girl's leg was stuck under a piece of cement. You lift up the cement with your powers and go help her up. She can't use that leg. So she put her arm around your neck for support. It's very dusty and kind of hard to see. Another aftershock comes and you hold on to a railing."

"Spidey, I have another girl with me and I need your help." You say while your eyes are tearing and sniffling and catching your breath.

"Ok on my way."

You go to the widow and break it open. The floor starts to cave in and you have to think. You don't see Spider-Man but you and this girl could fall to death.

"Uhh, we are going to have to jump out the window." You tell the girl.

"If we jump out we are going to die."

"Well if we stay here we're also going to die. Trust me okay."

"Ok." You jump out the window and at the last second Spider-Man catches you.

"Oh thank god. I thought I was dead." You said. The girl looks at you.

"Oh shit did I say this out loud."

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now