The Talk

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Lauryn lock the doors, you say."

You both sit in silence not knowing what to say until Thor starts.

"Hello Y/n, It is nice to see that you are well."

"Thor don't even start you know damn well what you did."

"What did I do?"

You feel your body getting warm filling with rage, your heart is stinging.

"What do you mean "what did I do", god you are so arrogant that you can't even own up to your mistakes, you say practically yelling."

"I am not arrogant, I am the god of thunder."

"There you go again, I thought you changed you were so fun and cool until you tried to kill me."

"What do you mean I tried to kill you, you have no proof?"

"You don't even remember do you?"

"Remember what? Y/n?"

"What Thor."

"You're eyes are yellow."

"Lauryn vitals, you yell."

"Y/n you are going to lose control, shall I notify Wanda, the computer said?"

"No, I need to try to calm myself down."

You start taking deep breaths but it does not work, Thor is confused about what is happening.

"Thor get Wanda right, you say as you fall". Thor catches you right in time.

Thor puts you on your bed and he runs to the door but it's locked.

"Lauryn open the door."

"I am sorry but I can't open the door without y/n's permission."

"I swear on the life of Odin you need to open this door."

"I am sorry Thor but I can not."

Thor steps back and decides to run through the door.

Thor are you ok, the young Sokovian

"Wanda y/n has fainted."

"Wait what, Peter perked up from his phone?"

"Peter I think it's best if you stay here, Wanda said."

"Ok, fine."

Tony's POV


"What is it, Jarvis, I'm busy."

"Y/n's door is broken."

"How is her door broken."

"Would you like me to pull up cameras?"


"What the heck is wrong with Thor."

"Jarvis turn off cameras and let someone know about the door."

"Yes sir."

Wanda's POV

5 minutes before y/n fainted.

"Hey Wanda, something is going to happen."

"Oh is your spidey senses tingling."


We walk over the wood and into y/n's room. She is lying peacefully on her bed with no energy encasing her.

"Well I guess this is a good sign, I think she just used too much energy in the last few days and just passed out. Lauryn's vitals."

"Everything is stable."

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now