A Trip Down Memory Lane

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You woke up early to tell Wanda what happened. Not even realizing what time it is.

"Wanda I got to tell you something."

"Y/n it's 4:30 in the morning."

"Oh, should I come another time then?"

"Well, you already woke me up.'


"So what's so urgent that you woke me up."

"Well, you know how I went on a date last night."

"So we're calling it a date now."

"Wanda shut up." You throw a pillow at her which she catches.

"Anyway we got our food right and we both had something to say to each other so it was my idea for us to say it at the same time. I said on 3 1,2, 3, I said I liked the chicken and he said that he liked me. It took me a little while to synch in what he said. Then I was like I like you too and now you looking at the girl who got her first boyfriend and her first kiss all in one night."

" I am so proud of you so when are you going to tell the team."

"Oh, we are keeping it a secret for now."

"Ok and when are you going to tell him about your powers."

" I will probably tell him soon because I don't want a relationship where we are not telling each other things."



"Yes, Ms.Y/n."

"Don't tell anyone about this conversation please."

"Yes, Ms.Y/n."

"Well since you up do you want to train."

"Yeah sure, I heard you got better."

"Yeah but let's make it interesting."


"What do you say about powers."

"Works for me. Let's meet in the gym in five minutes."

"Yeah ok. I am going to beat you."

"That's what you said the first time Y/n."

"Well, it's different now."

"We will see about that." You go back to your room and put on black tights with a black tank top. You put your hair into a ponytail and put your white Nike sneakers on. You go to the gym Wanda is already waiting for you.

"Let's begin," Wanda says.

You throw the first blast. She puts a force field to protect herself. She breaks the force field and throws a blast at you. You take that energy convert it into your energy and throw it back at her. She stumbles from all of that energy. Your eyes have a yellow tint now. You start to feel the energy pulsing through your veins. You throw a blast at her she puts a force field up but the blast knocks it down and goes straight to her knocking her to the ground. She is not unconscious but it still took a toll on her. You go over to her making sure that she's okay.

"Wanda, are you ok?"

"Yeah, but I think we are done for today."

"Ok, are you sure you are ok?"

"Yeah, you hit hard." You give a tight-lipped smile.

"Here let me help you up." You give her a hand and she gladly takes it.

"Wanda I think I am going to tell Peter about my powers."

"Ok but you guys just started dating are you sure you want to tell him?"

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now