Dead or Alive

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"Tony, we have to do CPR. She might not make it."

"Yeah, but I am not kissing her."

"Gosh my girlfriend is dying and I can't do anything."

"I will do it," Natasha says. "Tony and Peter J need you to get tweezers, thread, needle, and bandages."

"Ok." Tony and Peter go looking for it. Nat starts the compressions.

"Y/n please wake up," Nat whispers. Inside she is crying. You're heart stoped beating. Nat stoped the compressions. Tony and Peter just came out. They see you crying which scares them.

"Nat what's wrong," Peter asks.

"She's gone."

"No, she is not, I know she is still in there." Peter starts crying.

"There is one thing we can do," Tony says.

"Tony shes gone."

"Call point break to strike her with lightning."

"Tony you are not going to strike my girlfriend with lightning."

"Yeah your right I am not, Thor is."

"Ya joking." A bright light appears from the sky and Thor appears.

"I heard your mighty pleas from above."

"Will you shut up Thor and hurry up," Peter says. Thor comes.

"Thor do you think you can revive Y/n."

"Yeah, I thought y/n went to planet 22."

"Thor can you just shut up and save her." Thor looks confused at his reaction because he is usually calmer.

"Thor I am sorry."

"It's alright I understand." Thor gathers lightning and directs it to y/n. He does it a second time. Nothing happens. Everyone's heart sinks. Bruce came out.

"Hey guys I thought you were coming down."

"Time of death," Tony says.

"9:45," Nat replies. Peter walks away. Y/n starts breathing but no one is paying attention. Y/n starts coughing. Everyone looks in her direction but her eyes are closed.

"Nobody kissed me right." Everyone sighs.

"No Thor struck you with lightning," Tony says.

"What the fuck."

"Ehh language," Steve says. "Welcome back from the dead."

"Thanks. I guess."

"How did you survive that?" Hawkeye asks.

"Well, what can I say? I'm a badass. Where is Spider-Man?"

"He was here just a minute ago but let's go to the med bay." Thor starts to carry you.

"Thor, it's ok."

"Are you sure?"


"Wait since when did you have an accent," Clint asked. Nat slaps his arm."

"I have always had one, I am from Asgard." You stand up with no problem but then get a headache. You put your arm around Thors to get support. You walk with a little limp. Nat took the bullets out and sowed you back up. It hurt but not too much. You made it to the med bay just stumbling a little bit. They took a lot of tests to make sure. Thor sat with you the whole time.

"Hey guys can I talk to my brother for a bit please." You finally say. They nod and walk out.

"Thor-." You start to speak but he cuts you off.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now