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A:N Short and ass but I don't give a fuck right now. Enjoy:)

Hemidell takes all of us up.

"Welcome back my queen." Heimdell bows.

"Thank you Heimdell." We start walking on the rainbow bridge.

"Welcome to Asgard." Some of the Avengers gasp and others smile as they enjoy the view.

"It's getting late so I will show you around the castle then we can eat and if you want to train or whatever you can do it as well."

"That sounds good," Steve says.

"Where did King Odin get all this gold?" Tony asks.

"I heard a story that when Hela was still here they conquered all the realms and stole all the gold."

"Oh," Peter replies. We make it to the castle and I show them around and we eat after we finish eating some of them decide to go to bed and others decide to train.

"Hey Y/n, show me your new powers," Wanda says.

"I don't think that is for the best Wanda."

"Just show me."

"Okay." We go to the training room.

"Okay, you just lay down on the floor."

"What are you going to do."

"You will see." Wanda lays down and I put her to sleep controlling her dreams and then waking her up.

"That's the only power I can show you that won't kill you or make you feel like you're about to die."

"Oh wow, that was cool."

"Anyway, I best be going to bed. I have an early day tomorrow."

I walk to my room and I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up and I go and play tennis. I play with my servant. In the town, he is known as a good player. I know Peter comes in and sits but I don't pay attention. I returned a volley close to the net and my opponent was not able to return it. I have been playing tennis for an hour and a half and I have a meeting coming up so I decide to stop. As I start walking out of the arena Peter catches up with me.

"Y/n you were amazing out there."

"Thanks, Parker."

"So what are you doing now."

"We have a meeting soon, so I have to get ready for that."

"Oh right."

"Yeah anyway see you later." I start to walk away.

"Wait." I turn around.


"I just wanted to say thank you." I look confused, I could easily hear his thoughts but I wanna hear what he has to say.

"For what?"

"When we were dating you promised to take me to Asgard. Thanks for keeping that promise."

"Well, I need help from Earth's mightiest heroes." I smile.

"Right." He smiles as I walk away to get ready for the meeting. I listen to his thoughts.

Wait she thinks I am a mighty hero. Wait what if she i listening to my thoughts? Oh shit. Uhh Pineapple, uhh puppies.

I laugh to myself and I tune him out. I go and shower, I put on a typical Asgardian outfit and I go to the meeting.

I get to the meeting room only a few of the Avengers and my generals are there. I go to talk with Heimdell.

"Any report?"

"No, my lady."

"Thank you heimdell." I watch as the rest of the Avengers come in.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I would like to create a battle plan for Hela's coming but as I do not know where she is coming from I can not properly strategize I know that this could potentially become an all-out battle and that is what I am expecting so Heimdell will take the people to a hidden place on Asgard. He will also take the sword that unlocks the Bifrost. I will have guards stationed all around Odin's vault. I will know when she is here and I will let you know also."

"Is this meeting over? I am having a headache having all of this gold flashing in my eyes." Tony Stark says.

"Somebody's cranky but yes this meeting is over."

"Somebody needs to shut up." He replies and I just roll my eyes. Everyone leaves and I start to put things away and Peter stays to help. I still have butterflies in my stomach I thought I could shake it but I guess I am still falling. I am such an ass.

"Thanks for helping out."

"Of course, it's not a problem."

"Oh, how are Ned and MJ."

"They are good. MJ and I are dating." I was shocked and a little jealous when I heard this.

"Wow that's amazing, I am so happy for you guys." I say with a fake smile."You know I am also seeing someone." I am lying but I have to make him realize that I have moved on.

"That's cool."

"Yeah anyway, I have to go."

"Yeah okay, see you later I guess."

"Yeah." As soon as I walk away I drop the smile and I have an annoyed look on my face.

Peter's POV

"They are good. MJ and I are dating." As soon as I said that the vibe in the room changed. Was Y/n jealous? She said that she was also seeing someone. I know that's a lie but I won't let her know that I know. That smile was also so fake. I know her better than she knows herself. I laugh to myself.

I spend the rest of the day on my throne. I was answering boring questions and going to council meetings. Finally, it's the end of the day and I go to bed, change into some nice comfy clothes, and fall asleep. As soon as I fall asleep I feel a thud.

"She's here."

A:N God less than 1000 words. Writer's block is real. Please PM for ideas. I need help

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now