I promise

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When you got home you rushed to Wanda's room. You sit on her bed.

"Wanda I need help."

"With what."

"Peter said that I need to put on a dress and meet him at the party deck."

"What do you think he is going to do."

"I don't know, he couldn't be proposing cuz we are too young for that."

"True but anyway what are you going to wear."

"I was thinking of red."


"Is Nat here."

"No. I think she is on a mission."

"Goddamn. I will just tell her later."

"So what do you have."

"I have this red dress that's off the shoulder and it goes high above my knee. I can match it with black heels. I also can add the necklace he gave me and some of my rings. I can put one ring on my pinkie and the other hand on my thumb.

 I can put one ring on my pinkie and the other hand on my thumb

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"Yeah, I like that

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"Yeah, I like that."

"OK, ima go thank you." You go take a quick shower and do your makeup. You put your hair some of your hair into two buns and the rest of it down.

"You look so pretty," Wanda says.

"Thank you but I got to go."

"Tell me what happens."

"Of course." While walking to the elevator you had to pass the kitchen and Bucky, Tony, Steve, and Sam were there playing Uno. While walking past everyone stopped playing and stares

"Can I help you?" You say.

"1 Where did you get that outfit?" Tony says.

"2 Where are you going?" Steve asked.

"You guys are such dads." You say. "I am just going to the club with my friends and I have always had this outfit."

"To the club, you're not even of age."

"Yeah, I know." With that, you walk away.

"Y/n, stop right there," Tony says and you stop.


"Just don't do anything I wouldn't do and don't do anything I would do, there is a small gap and that's where you fit in." You start laughing.

"You thought I was going to the club." Tony and Steve look at each other and shrug.

"Damn, I am not that bad. Peter and I are going on a date." Bucky and Sam start laughing.

"Oh. I don't want any smaller children."

"Aw hell naw. You got the wrong person. That's kinda fucked up." Sam and Bucky are still laughing.

You take the elevator to the party deck. Leading from the elevator there were rose petals on the floor. There were candles on the floor making a trail. There was soft music playing in the background. Peter was at the end of the path when we finally met. I was like a giant compared to him.

"You're so tall." He chuckles.

"Peter, this is so beautiful. The rose petals and candles."

"Speaking of flowers. I got you this." He hands you red roses and white babies' breaths.

"My favorite flowers."


"Thank you."

"I was wondering if you wanted to dance."

"I would love to." The song 'La Vie En Rose' started playing by Louis Armstrong. You put your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your rib cage and swayed to the music.

"I guess this is our song. I love it."

"Yeah me too."

"This is amazing babe."

"Thank you."

"You're amazing love."

"Thanks. Where did you learn to dance?"

You ask.

"Oh, Aunt May taught me."

"I am sorry."

"It's fine." He takes your hands.

"There is another thing I want to do."

"Oh?" He holds your hand and gets on one knee. You put your hand over your mouth.

"Oh my god."

"Y/n, I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that the future will bring us rainbows. I can't promise that tomorrow will be perfect or that life will be easy. I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love for a lifetime. I can promise that I'll always be here for you to listen and to hold your hand and I will always do my best to make you feel happy and make you loved. I promise that I will willingly be your protector, advisor, counselor, friend, family, and everything. This is a promise ring, I ask you to promise me that you will be my wife in the future." You start crying.

"Yes, Peter I promise." You say while crying tears of joy while he puts on the ring. He stands up and you hug him. He kisses you and you kiss back.

"Thank you."

"Of course." You wipe your tears away. You dance a little more before going downstairs. Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Sam are still playing Uno. You and Peter are holding hands.

"So how was your date," Sam asked.

"Sorry can't tell you." You replied.

"Y'all didn't do anything right." You look at Peter and he looks at you.

"Well, I mean maybe." You and Peter laugh.

"We told you not to do anything," Steve says.

"Y'all are so gullible. We are just kidding."

"Thank god," Steve says.

"Well anyway, I am out."

"Good night."

"Good night." You and Peter walk to your room and end up falling asleep. 

A:N sorry this chapter is short I was kind of at writer's block. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now