Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Day One: Lesson One: Table Manners

"Lesson one," Brow Nie. Jr announced from his place at the head of the room, "Table Manners. During your stay here in the Vongola Mansion, you'll have a series of lesions taught by a series of teachers. Your first lesson is on table manners. While every culture has their own mannerisms, the basics are the same everywhere. To be frank with you all," he's eyes narrowed into a glare that didn't stay on any one person, "your terrible at even the basics." This elicited the group to go into an uproar at the insult, the fact that they're guests be damned. The Sun didn't react and simply waited for the group to calm down.

Ieyasu was doing his best to calm his peers down. He knew that Reborn was going to make him do so anyway, so why not get a head start? His efforts were basically for naught, though, because almost none of them listened to him. Hayato and Takeshi listened to him, as did Chrome, Kyoya, Ryohei, and - surprisingly - Tsunayoshi. Though, with his friend's - really only his Storm and Rain's - help the class managed to quiet down after about five minutes.

Sending a short glance to his boss's successor, Brow Nie Jr. continued his lesson. "First thing's first. You don't get to start eating until the host or head of your family says 'Buòn appetito'. It is considered rude and disrespectful if you don't wait before begging to eat. Think of it as eating before thanking your mother for the food she worked hard to make you. Now, I want you to turn your attention to the dishes and cutlery in front of you," he ignored the questions of 'Where the hell did these come from?!' and continued on, "Unlike Western Culture, your utensils do not switch hands. Your fork remains in your left hand while your knife remains in your right. When you've finished your meal, place your utensils parallel to each other across the right side of your plate with the prongs of your fork facing down, like so," he demonstrated with his own set of dishes at the head of the table. Then, he had the visiting group do so. If they got it wrong, he wasn't afraid to call them out on it. For the most part, though, the small activity went by quickly.

"Alternatively, if you lay your utensils to the side of your plate, you are telling waitstaff or your host that you aren't finished with your meal. Any questions?" When none raised their hands, he nodded, "Good. Now, as you should have gathered, placement is very important. The fork and spoon above your plate are for dessert and should not be used otherwise. Because there will usually be extra cutlery laid out on the table, start with the outermost utensil and move your way inward. If you're still not sure, watch those around you. There's bound to be at least one person who knows what they're doing." The glance Brow Nie Jr. sent Ieyasu's way made him shiver as the new expectation settled on his shoulder. "You will have a glass set out for water and a glass set out for other drinks, usually red or white wine. As most of you are not allowed to drink yet, this isn't something you need to be conscious of. After-dinner drink glasses will be brought out after your meal has finished and the table was cleared." He moved his attention from the glasses to the plates and bowl. "The large plate is for the main course and sits directly in front of you. The smaller plate is mostly used for antipasto. Before you ask, salad plates aren't set out right away and will be brought to the table later. The bowl is either used for soup or pasta. Which one it is depends on if the soup spoon-" he picked out the silver utensil, "-is present when you sit. Does everyone understand?" Again, no one spoke up. "Very well, one last thing before we move on. What to do with your hands. When you aren't holding your cutlery, your hand should be visible and above the table. Your wrists may rest on the table, but never your elbows. As a side note, you should have good posture. Hold yourself with confidence and don't slouch. Like this." He sat in the free chair he'd been standing behind with his back straight and his folded, wrists neatly resting on the table. Not that the group of students could see, but his legs were uncrossed and his feet were flat on the ground. "Any questions?"

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