scars that will heal.

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hobie never liked physical touch.

Miles always assumed it was because he didn't like their body heat pressed up againeach other, which was understandable.

But he realized he might be wrong.

Hobie kept distance from Miles. And whenever he went to touch him he would flinch.

He didn't just notice this with him, but when there on patrol too.

Certain things would startle him. Things that shouldn't.

When Gwen tapped Hobie to tell him the plan, he flinched and accidently hit her in the face, and almost ruined the mission.

It worries Miles that something was wrong. Did he do something? But it couldn't have been him since he acted that way with other people.

Miles had decided to talk too Hobie about it.

It's not like something bad would happened right?

Miles POV.

I had just finished my patrol with Gwen and was about to head to Hobies dimension to talk with him.

All honestly, I wasn't nervous.

I didn't know why. But there was just this gut feeling that it wasn't as serious as most people would think.

Hobie didn't seem like that type of person to have a bad case of trauma.

Maybe it was something small. I Maybe he just didn't like physical touch or affection.

He typed in the numbers too Hobies demension, and went though the bright portal.

Same thing, it was a quick trip, he soon was above Hobies sky window, opening it slowly.

He webbed down it upside down, since it was easier to drop in.

"Hey Hobes!" Miles dropped in too see Hobie sitting on his bed writing something. He looked up at Miles softly, his bright yellow turning to a dull gray.

You could see words forming on him.

'What did I do?'

'Did I do something wrong?'

'I did something'

"H-ahey Miles." Hobie mumbled and continued to talk.

The words were concerning, but Miles shook it off for a second.

I walked closer to the bed, reaching out for Hobie, when He flinched back, not letting me touch his hand.

I decided to ask this time,

"Anyway, we need to talk Hobes."

His eye widened at the statement. He looked scared, an emotion I didn't think Hobie could ever be.

"Hobes are you alright? Your blue, and I can see the purple  fading.."

He mumbled something I couldn't hear. He was hesitant too speak.

"I can't hear you Hobes-"

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry- s-sorry..."

My smile turned into a slight frown, as I tried too take Hobies hand in mine, but when I looked down at his boney hands, they were shaking softly..

"Hobes you're shaking love.."

He turned his head away from me. Looking down also at his hand, balling it up into a fist.

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