promise broken.

414 14 5

TW for SH.

Miles did it again.

He stared at his arms, covered in neat lines of perfectly arranged cuts. Red thick liquid coming down his arms. He stared blankly.

He didn't know what happened. He couldn't remember why he did it, and when he even started.

The only thing he could recall was being in the apartments kitchen, and seeing the knife.

The knife.

On the counter

That was currently in his hands.

He was remembering everything now, But why did he pick it up?

It was a normal day afterall. Everything was going  perfectly fine. He was with Hobie for the most part, then went on patrol and came back too just chill with himself alone.

He wasn't even thinking of doing that. He hasn't done it for months.
And he relapsed. He relapsed bad.

Hobie had caught him the first time. And quickly got him too stop. He made a promise too Hobie that he wouldn't do it anymore, and he kept it. Until today.

He told Hobie he would talk too him if he ever felt like doing something like this again. But the problem was,

He didn't.

He looked at the knife and his mind immediately went blank.

All he could think about was the way the knife could come down on his skin, and make perfectly aligned cuts on his arms and wrists.

He felt disgusted in himself that he went against there promise and did it.

He dropped the knife from his hands, down too the floor where small stains of blood from his dripping arms were found.

His breathing hitched, but then became more shaky as he realized what he has done.

His eyes swelled up with tears, and he looked at his arms, desperate for the pain and blood to disappear, and for him to just be seeing things.

But no matter how hard he cried, screamed, looked, nothing changed.

Miles didn't look up when he heard that illuminating scratchy sound coming from his room, or the bright glitching colors.

All he could do was put pressure onto his bleeding arm, and lean  weepingly on the wall behind his bed.

Miles knew he was in trouble,

But it was no use telling Hobie what happened when he didn't know himself.

He tuned everything out, and just cried as loud as he could. His eyes burned from the tears, but he couldn't help himself.

Soon enough, Miles felt hands in his, and looked up a bit.

"Miles..?" Hobie said in such a gingerly voice. He soon reached up too Miles face and rubbed his cheek.

"Miles it's alrigh', I got u."

Miles almost fell into Hobie, grabbing onto him at a quick and tight pace.

He was loud, crying into Hobie, but he could care less.

"I-I'm sorry.. I d-didnt mean to break our p-promise.." Miles said, trying too make out the words over his uncontrollable breathing, and heavy crying.

"Shh.. it's fine, jus calm down..I'll help you..ya'?"

Miles just cried in response. He wasn't calming down at all, too disappointed in himself to try either.

Hobie sat him up, grabbing his waist rubbing it oh so gently. He placed Miles hand into his chest, then intertwined it with his. He really didn't mind or care about Miles blood on him. There's been more.

"Miles dear, do you feel tha'?" Hobie said. As calmly as he could.

Miles tried too focus on what his body hand was on, and he started too feel Hobie's steady heartbeat and big breathes, so he nodded quickly.

"Can u' try and match tha' for me?"

Miles concentrated on Hobie's breaths,  trying too follow along with them. He eventually got the rhythm, and was official calmed down.

He was so tried, and drained from what had just happened. He also felt extremely dizzy, which caused him to fall back into Hobie.

"Woah, woah, what's wrong?"

" arms.."

Hobie had forgotten completely about his cuts. He was so focused on calming him down .

"Fuck fuck.."

He gently sat Miles on his bed, and ran too get his medkit from the bathroom.

He wasn't as worried as he would be if Miles wouldn't spiderman, and blood-loss wasn't a huge deal anymore, but he was hyperventilating a lot, which could raise the chances of him faint.

When he came back, he was fiddling with the alcohol bottle, but eventually sat everything down too fix his arms.

"Luv, lemme' see ur' arm."
Miles was hesitant at first, but gave in and let Hobie see his arm.

He very gently, started too clean his wounds, but Miles didn't watch. He was too ashamed of himself.

"Miles..why did this..?"

He didn't like the question.  Mostly because he didn't know himself.

"I..don't know..I was in the kitchen and.."

"You saw the knife?" Hobie quickly replied.

Miles was taken aback he knew what he ment.  But still nodded slowly.

"I get it luv, Sometimes, ther' ain't a specific reasun' y'  u' do it, And you gotta learn too ignore it. It's hard, I kno'.."

Hobie used to have trouble with self harm, although he hasn't relapsed yet, and hopes he never will.

Miles helped him through it, by hiding or taking sharp objects away from him, then slowly but surely putting them back into his apartment.

It wasn't something any typical person would think of at first, but Miles thought the idea was good.

This was going to be more difficult for Miles though.

He couldn't take sharp objects from Miles. Since he was with his parents.

He had to figure out another way too keep Miles from doing it.

"I'm done luv' u' can look now."

Miles slowly turned around, looking at the bandages on his arms.

There their again. On his arms, covering up his mistake.

The bandages will help his wounds clear, but they can't fix the guilt he feels for not keeping there promise.

Miles felt hot tears coming down his face, and let them.

"Cmere' luv..I've got u'..."

Hobie got Miles by his waist, pulling him into his chest. Miles almost automatically grabbed onto him for comfort, crying very gently, not like he was before.

"We'll get thru' this, I promise, it's alright."

kinda vent

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