hospital trips.

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someone asked for some more Hobie angst, and I haven't done many on his fear of needles HC so this works <3

Ive been gone for awhile, but i have like 4 things ready (or almost done) in writing so :D

Ever since he could remember, Hobie had harbored an irrational fear of needles. It wasn't just a dislike or a minor discomfort; it was a full-blown phobia that gripped him with paralyzing dread every time he encountered one.

But it wasn't just the needles themselves that haunted him; it was the memories they invoked. Memories of sterile hospital corridors, the antiseptic smell that made his stomach churn, and the sound of machines beeping incessantly in the background.

Hobie despised hospitals. the clinical atmosphere, the feeling of helplessness that engulfed him whenever he stepped through those cold, unforgiving doors. But most of all, he hated the memories they held – memories of pain, of loss, of heartache.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost time for his appointment, and the thought sent a wave of panic coursing through his veins. He'd gotten sick almost 2 weeks ago, coming down with the flu, his doctor suggested he get a flu shot. Miles, concerned about Hobie's health, told them he'd be back next week to get it. This sparked panic for Hobie, and they had a fully blown argument when they got home.

It's been a week, and Hobie still wasn't talking to Miles. But it's also the day of his appointment, and Miles forced him to get out of bed and and get dressed for it. "Im still mad at you, yknow'.." Hobie said bluntly, putting on his jacket. Miles looked over, making a sad expressed face. "I know. but you haven't gotten your flu shot this year Hobes-" He was cut off by Hobie. "C-Can you stop mentioning that I'm goin' to get a bloody shot?!" He shouted at Miles, then putting his face into his palms and letting out a loud groan.

Miles was taken aback, but he knew where Hobie was coming from. A stinging fear of something that only brought back horrible, dreading, memories. Although, Hobie never gave Miles a reason for his standstilling fear, but he'd imagined it wasn't pretty.

The loud groan Hobie released, slowly turned into panic. He held his chest oppressively, trying to steady his breathing, but no avail. Miles hurried over, is boyfriends breathing rapid and fierce. "Come here baby.." he said, pulling Hobie into a hug, cradling his waist. "Slowly..i've got you." And, slowly but surely, Hobie's breathing became more stern, but he couldn't help but feel an urge to cry into Miles shoulder. "Don' wann' go.." Hobie stated in between sniffs. "I can't have you getting sick on me again." Miles said honestly.

Hobie looked up slightly. Miles side eyed him, their eyes meeting. "You'll be wiv me, right?" He asks innocently, his eyes teary. "Of course. I would never leave you alone like that. My Radiohead.." Hobie laughs as the nickname, letting Miles wipe the salty water off his eyes. "'aido'head?" He says. "I thought it would be cute." Miles says, kissing Hobie on the lips.

When they arrived at the Hospital, Miles felt Hobie growing tense. His grip on his hand becoming more harsh. His spider senses tingled, and he could hear his boyfriends heart beat become faster. "Hey, calm down, it'll be awhile before they call us.." He said, sitting down, bringing Hobie with him. Hobie, being the person he was, didn't honestly give a fuck and propped his feet up in the hospital chair away from Miles, and had his head in his lap.

Minutes blurred by. Random people getting called for there shots, around 4 people left in the waiting room. Hobie perked up, feeling Miles tap his shoulder. "Baby. It's your turn, lets go." He said, smiling at Hobie warmly, watching as his soft, comforting manner, turned into a tense, and stiff mood. Hobie had learned how to tune down his colors, but he couldn't always. He flickered between a blue, and a soft purple, getting weird looks from people around him. Not like he cared though anyway.

Miles picked up on his behavior, giving him a small peck on the cheek. It eased his flickering colors, turning him a soft salmon color, the smell of the antiseptic atmosphere making even Miles slightly nervous. The nurse asked a bunch of questions, but Hobie was too lost in thought, trying not to focus on why he was here in the first place. He looked up, Miles pulling him into the patient room, where he sat on the bed, and Hobie did too. "She...said the doctor will be here in about 10 minutes." Miles blurted out, speaking in a soft voice, stroking Hobie's arm. His eyes wandered, looking at Hobie's face more intensively.

He was staring at one thing with wide eyes, his finger twitching. "Baby?" He poked Hobie's arm. making him flinch. "Fuck-m'sorry." He said. " 'm jus' a lil' anxious." He says softly. His body turning back into a mix of purple and blue. Miles frowns, turning away from him, unsure of what to do. But then, he gets an evil idea.

He leans closer, giving Hobie a little peck on the neck. Hobie lets out quick, shocked moan. "M-Miles-" He says, letting out a high pitched squeal, as Miles kissed him again. "What? Do you not like neck kisses anymore love?" He laughs, climbing on top of him playfully. "I-I do,-eh-" He struggles to get his words in between playful moans. "I do, but er' in a bloody ospital'-" Miles cut him off, kissing his lips, releasing slowly. "Okay, okay, I'll stop." Hobie looked shocked and flustered, covering his cherry red face with his hands. He did this too lighten up the mood, but the door opened, the doctor smiling, saying hello.

Hobie removed his hands from his face, eyes going back to that shocked expression, his eyes darting on the needle in her hand, and the wall. Miles grabbed his hand, rubbing his slightly. The doctor opened a bottle, putting the substance inside, talking to Miles in the process. "Had he gotten his other shots? We could do them today if your alright with it." Hobie turned to Miles, looking at him fearfully, shaking his head. "Please.." he said below a whisper. "I-I think we'll wait. Could we finish up please..?" He said, smiling politely at the woman "Sure!" She grabbed an alcohol wipe, rubbing it on Hobie's arm. He shook slightly, not enough for Miles to notice yet.

"Hobie, baby?" Hobie has his eyes locked on the floor, his breathing speeding up slightly. His body shook more violently, and it looked like he was about to cry. "Hobie baby, your shaking.." Miles grew concerned, putting his hand on the woman for him to stop. He grabbed Hobie's chin , making him face him. "Hey, hey, its alright amor.." He said smiling. "Look at me okay? Focus on me, and breathe. It'll be over soon.." He said, comforting his boyfriend.

He talked to him, making sure he never took his eyes off of him.  Soon, he calmed down. The woman figured she should give it while he was distracted, and shoved the needle into his skin. Hobies eyes widened once again, letting out a little squeak. He buried his head into Miles shoulder. his sloppy painted finger nails wrapping around Miles arm. "Do you both need a moment?" She asked, taking her gloves off. "Please.." Miles asked. She nodded, stepping out. Miles rubbed Hobie's back, listening to the soft crying. "It's alright..its over sweetheart." He lifted his face, pestering it in soft kisses. 

"I swear. Never again."

HEHEHHEHE 1277 words ! 


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