didnt mean too.

539 14 10

TW: anger issues, stress.

Really short, maybe like 700-850 words 🍆🤩

Some people have good days, and some people have really bad days.

On this particular day, Hobie's day was absolutely horrid.

Actually, his whole week had been shit, but this day got him good.

Hobie, being the insomniac he is, didn't get enough sleep before patrol, and was doing a really sloppy job.

His whole body ached from all the punches and kicks, since his senses weren't as sharp as they should be from lack of sleep.

Speaking of senses, they were killing him.

It was normal for a person to have headaches, but god it makes it 10 times worse with spidersenses.

His eyes were bloodshot from probably crying and tiredness.

What made things worse, is that when Hobie got like this, he tended to have issues stopping.

Yeah, he was beyond tired, but he had to finish what had to be done, so he did.

He finished his patrol, and began finishing a song for his band that he was writing.

That was difficult for Hobie.

Sitting in the same place, trying not too fall asleep.

God he wanted sleep.

He could sleep on the top of a building for all he cared, but this was more important than that.

Hobie was writing, word by word he was making slow progress.

Miles hadn't heard from him all day, which made him so what worried, so of course he invited himself over.

When Miles was spat out from the Portal he couldn't see Hobie fully, but he did see his slightly moving hand from his chair.

"Hobes?" Miles said walking in more, the portals size fading.

This made him jump slightly, but when he looked up, he saw his boyfriend smiling down at him.

A bit aggravated, he waved, looking back at his paper.

Miles noticed how tired Hobie looked, but didn't say anything and instead grabbed him by his chin, making Hobie turn too face him.

Miles let out a sigh, "Go to sleep Hobes."

"I don' need sleep." He swatted Miles hand out his face, making Miles face twitch with confusion.

Hobie's hand was visibly shaking, but Miles ignored it knowing why.

"You need sleep Hobes, your eyes are so bloodshot-"

"Miles, I don't hav' time for ya' blabbering' about my health, I'm fine but,"

Hobie paused, turning around gripping his pen.

"I think u shuld' leave."

Miles eyes widened, but he held his ground, looking at Hobie with an upset face.

"Hobes really!? "Blabbering about your health,!?" I'm your boyfriend, I mean, that's basically what I do!"

"Miles, leave. I'm not in the mood-"

"No Hobes, I'm not leaving knowing your tiring yourself out, and we both are obviously aware, but like always, you're in denial."

Hobie getting more upset, hands shaking more than they already were, and warned Miles one last time but,

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