spider seizures.

811 21 7

TW: absent seizures.

Everyone knows the story of a Spider person.

You get bit by a radioactive spider, lose someone special too you, and then train to become the best Spider-Man in your universe.

But, there was something no one talked about.

The aftermath of becoming spiderman. Having too deal with these new abilities.

Almost every spider person has or had something called "sense seizures". Or what Hobie called it, Spidey Seizures.

It was a normal thing to most. When your brain is adjusting too your senses, it may start too give you absent seizures.

Usually absent seizures looked like starring into space for a couple of seconds. If you were a spider person, it usually took you a couple of hours too gain sense again.

When your aware of it happening, you usually get to a place
You can be comfortable. Like in your bed or sitting down. It feels like suddenly going to sleep. But with your eyes open and fluttering.

You start to tic and chew, and your body jerks sometimes.

Spider people usually got them a couple weeks prior to becoming a spider person. It had become a problem too, since they would happen randomly in the middle of fights.

It was a good thing they only lasted for a week usually. And by the time you had ur third one, you were used too it and knew what was happening.

You would have too skip patrol for that week, as it makes you tried and extremely exhausted.

For Miles though, he got his extremely late.

He's been Spider-Man for 2 years and never had to deal with it. Hobie had already had his, so he always assumed Miles did too. It wasn't something he talked about ever too. It wasn't important.

Still Third POV.

Miles and Hobie hung out regularly. Regularly, as in everyday. After every patrol, the two would cuddle up together and watch movies, talk, or just sleep. Sometimes Miles studied, and Hobie would just chill in his bed.

This particular day, Miles was finishing up some homework. Wasn't anything big or hard. He had noticed the drop in his mood, and how he was feeling droopy and tired all of a sudden. Not to mention his senses were going off the chain.  

"Fuck.." he mumbled to himself.

Hobie overheard he mumbling, and looked over too him. "You alright luv?" Hobie waited for a response. But none was given. "Miles?" Hobie put his phone down and began to get up out of his position. "Miles." He called once more. But he only saw Miles stiff in the same position, finger jerking a little with sparks coming out. Hobies senses started to go off a bit too. So he went over to Miles.

"Luv, do u not her' me callin ya?"

He turned Miles chair around. And he was blankly starring at nothing. Eyes twitching a bit. It was almost cute. His blank starring. His eyes were relaxed. That spark in his eye was gone. But Hobie couldn't let that get to him. He needed to figure out what was wrong with Miles.

He observed miles behavior. He start twitching and eyes fluttering open and shut. Small mumbling of words that didn't make sense.

It hit Hobie.

He was having a seizure.

A spider seizure to be exact.

Usually, if it was a real seizure he would have been aware by now, or not in this state still. It had been a couple of minutes prior, so Hobie could only assume it was this. But why so late? If he could remember, Miles became Spider-Man almost 3 years ago.  So why was this happening now?

He brushed it off, smiling a bit while trying too guide Miles away from his desk, onto the bed.

He knew that he would be out of it for a couple of hours. So atleast he'd be comfortable while he had the seizure.

He placed Miles onto his chest.  Pulling the cover over him. Trying to get him am comfortable as possible.

After some hours, Miles began to stir awake and aware from his outting. Hobie was still asleep, so he failed to realize anything was wrong. Usually, when you wake up from "spider seizures", you run into panic mode, not knowing where you are or what happened for a couple of minutes. Then you began to feel sick. Like you have the flu.

Miles sat up, looking around wide eyed. His breathing sped up once he didn't remember where he was. Small whines came out of mouth and he was rapidly looking around. Hobie noticed the sudden movement and woke up too a frantic Miles.

"Woah woah woah, luv, miles calm down."

Miles turned too look at Hobie, shaking his head mumbling things like "no" and "please." crying. "Darling your alright, it's me.. Hobes..". Hobie entertwined fingered with Miles. Soon then pulling him into his chest trying to calm him down.

"Hobes.." Miles Said weakly, still holding onto Hobie.
"Yeah luv?" Hobie rubbed Miles hair, still making sure he was calm. "I feel horrible.." Miles dogged his face into the shoulder of Hobie, crying heavily. "I know darling.. you're alright..sleep for me..?" Miles just nodded, getting comfortable.

Idk what else to dooo lmfaooaoa

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