coffee spill.

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writing is a bit more detailed.

Most people have some kind of coping mechanism. Some are bad, or moderate, and others are good and aren't harmful in any way. For Hobie, he had a lot.

His source of comfort was Miles. Always. But sometimes it was a knife, his guitar, or his perfectly painted finger nails that liked to dig into his skin. And let's not forget how he would randomly hit himself, like a tic.

So to put it short, most of his coping mechanisms weren't great, and most involved him hurting himself. Some were on purpose, and some he didn't realize he was doing.

Miles caught on quickly though. He noticed how Hobie would scratch himself when he was anxious. Or hit himself particularly hard, randomly when they hung out. It wasn't normal. But Miles convinced himself that he was overreacting because Hobie's personality hadn't seemed to change. Or him behavior.

He acted how he always would during anxious situations or just them hanging out in general, but of course with the weird hitting and scratching.  

Today, they were both out at a quiet Cafe that was beside the convienence store Miles first met Spot.  The displeasing atmosphere at that convience store, almost made him not want to come to the cafe. But, Hobie said that it'd be better for him to visit the cafe, because he can't hold onto that fear forever.

They'd gotten seats, ordered, and were currently waiting. "Blimey, it's bloody freezing in here, isn't it? Or is it just me?" Hobie had wrapped his arms around his body, and Miles laughed. 

"I think it's just you Hobes. I mean, Im wearing a jacket and you've got only gloves." Miles put his elbows onto the table, with his face in his hands.  "You'd think I'd be warm at least, sittin' 'here in a bleedin' cafe, wouldn't ya?"  Just then, an old lady with a hippie persona  came up to their table with 2 hot cups of coffee.

"Here you dears go! Two cups of coffee, just as you like them. One nice and strong, the other chilled to perfection." She'd sat down Miles cup, but she tried handing Hobie his. Hobie's hands always shook, but since he was cold, it shook more than usual. He'd reached out for the brimming hot liquid, but when he'd grabbed the handle, it slipped from his grasp.

The steaming liquid poured from Hobie's cup, its fragrant warmth enveloping the woman in an unexpected embrace of unwanted burns. "B-Bloody hell! Sorry, love, my hand just slipped- I didn't-" The woman, who was obviously uncomfortable and in pain, let out a fakished laugh and exclaimed that she would just bring him another one. "I-It's alright, dear, no need to fret." she limped away, trying to cover up that she wasn't alright.

Hobie's face twisted, and he said "Sorry" as the woman trailed away with a scolding leg. Hobie turned back in his chair, looking at Miles. "It's fine Hobes, its not your fault your hands were shaking." Miles reached over the table to put his hands in Hobie's, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah, well, if I weren't such a bleedin' cluts, I wouldn't 'ave gone and burned her, now would I?" Hobie got up, beginning to walk away into the opposite direction, not giving Miles an explanation of where he was going. Miles frowned, but he heard the shut of the door, which made him assume that he'd gone into the bathroom too sulk.

Miles arose from his seat, following Hobie into the bathroom, to offer him any source of comfort he could give for the time being, as he was in a public restroom. But no one was really even inside the cafe really, so he probably got lucky.

"Hobes, you can't come in the bathroom too sulk, and expect me not to follow you."  Miles turned the corner, and Hobie was on the wall with the seams of his hand pressed on one of his eyes, and the other hand was scratching his arm. "Were not doing that, stop scratching Hobie." Miles hit his hand, making his hand retract it from his arm.  "luv, I'm sorry, but I can't 'elp it. It's jus' I use my 'ands to sort out the dodgy blokes, not sweet ol' ladies like her."

Miles face softened, and he smiled meekly. Hobie was always a big softie, he just hadn't shown it the way people would imagine a "soft" person. "amor, have you ever hurt me purposely? And even if you have, I always know you feel horribly guilty about it. I mean look at you now." Miles chuckled slightly, and Hobie just gazed at him softly, listening to him like he really wanted the reassurance.

"She was really sweet, and I know she could tell you were really sorry. Thats why she laughed because she didn't want you to give this whole run down of why you were sorry. She knew, I promise."

"U sure-"


"Fin', fi'e. Thank yu' Miles, I needed tha'." Hobie cuppes Miles, jaw, pecking him on the lips slightly as he gave him a wanted kiss.  Miles laughed, hugging Hobie. "We should probably get out of the public bathrooms.."

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