Miles sensory issues.

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TW: mention of yelling.

Being spiderman would probably take away most of the random or small fears you had, right?

That was true. But just because it takes away most, didn't mean it took away it all.

It was just an ease, but it didn't mean it still didn't exist.

This was an issue Miles faced. He had horrible sensory issues.

He was extremely clumsy, wasn't good at hugs, and absolutely hated getting yelled at, or loud noises in general.

But after becoming spiderman, being clumsy wasn't an option. So the problem just disappeared.

He started too actually like hugs (a lot. ) , and loud noises hadn't bothered him as much.

As much.

Miles somewhat got over being so jumpy at loud noises. Since he heard it almost everyday.

But Miles had NEVER gotten over being yelled at.

And he heard it almost everyday.

Miguel couldn't stop bitching about how Miles and his friends were always coming back with shitloads of injuries, his rant about the cannon (even though he broke it ) and there was a lot more.

Hobie was aware of Miles issue, and helped him with it.

Sometimes, while Miguel did his very well known monologue, Miles would tense up making Hobie go up behind him and hold him very gingerly. Maybe squeeze his hand a bit too reassure him too.

But when Hobie didn't go on missions, and it was just Him, Gwen, and Patvir, he would have too deal with that annoying shit tard while he gave his full onomatopoeia speech, full volume, making Miles ears twitch.

It wasn't only he level of his voice. But being yelled at, at all made him upset.

He didn't like it only because of the feeling of being guilty.

Hobie told him not to let Miguel's words find a way into him, but it was  hard when you heard it everyday.

On this specific day, everyone was on this one mission.

They'd had everything planned and sorted out.

Nothing was bound to go wrong, right? Well something did indeed happen.

Patvir, thinking he could do anything,  didn't follow his part of the plain, and ended up breaking his foot and arm.

Miguel had probably shitted himself he was so fed up. He looked like he wanted too shit himself by how bright his face got.

"This is why I can't trust you SHITHEADS too do anything right! How the fuck did he even get a broken leg, and arm?!" Miguel spat.  His non-intimidating, red eyes glowing while his fangs showed visible.

Patvir, who was feeling guilty, decided too speak up.

"H-hey! This was on me..! I didn't follow the plan so just let them be Miguel-"  He tried to get Miguel too stop yelling and screaming at all 4 of them, but that didn't seem too work.

So again, like any other day, Miguel went through what felt like an hour long speech, screaming too the top of his lungs.

Gwen and Hobie, who could honestly careless about what Miguel said, were basically tunning him out completely.

Miles on the other hand, was getting so disturbed by Miguel's yelling and yapping about whatever he said, it was starting too make his head hurt.

He just wanted sleep, rest, something other than standing and listening too him.

He made Miles feel guilty. Like he'd done something wrong but he knew he didn't. But that feeling wouldn't go away.

He could feel himself shaking. He didn't know why, but he was. And the rage in Miguel's voice never seemed to lower its volume, making his left ear ring a bit.

He didn't want to seem weak, or irritated. So he resisted the urge to cover up one of his ears with his hands.

Hobie, who was behind him. Noticed the small little shake in Miles hands, and got concerned.

He started walking towards Miles, standing behind him. He tapped on his shoulder so he wouldn't startle his boyfriend, and whispered something into his ear.

"What's wrong dahling'?" He said, holding onto Miles shoulder still.

"M-my ears..he's so loud it's making my ears ring, and my head hurt.."

Miles, who was close to tears, felt Hobie's hands cover his ears.

He placed a soft kiss on top of Miles head, and then looked at Miguel.

"Ay Vampire Diaries! Shut up, you're hurting his ears!"

Miguel stopped mid sentence to look at Hobie and Miles. He looked like he wanted too say something but didn't, and just let out a huge sigh.

"Leave. " was all he said, before continuing to do whatever he was doing on those computers.

Patvir  and Gwen were starring at Hobie and Miles. Both looking confused.

"Is Miles okay?" Gwen asked, walking over, and so was Patvir (attempting).

Hobie took his  hands off of Miles ears.

"Yeah, he's just tired. I'm gonna take im' home. Bye Gwendie, ...Pav."

Hobie made a portal, walking through it with Miles.

Miles would've responded for himself, but he was so tired and his head was spinning like crazy.

When they got too Miles house, he automatically fell into Hobie, resting on him.

"Can..we go to sleep now Hobes..?


Hobie picked Miles up, sitting on his bed while Miles was in his lap.

He fell asleep soundlessly, with only his small breaths heard.

Hobie eventually fell asleep too. Eyes fluttering closed


anyway. I have an idea. I wanna remake one of the chapters I already have, so tell me which one it should beeee 😱

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