ready to try. 🍋

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TW: crying out of pleasure, and detailed moaning. (Hopefully)

I dont have mercy on the stuttering and moaning so oops 💀

the moment you have been waiting
for guys 😱

Miles and Hobie were sitting on Miles bed, legs tangled, just relaxing.

Miles traced Hobies tattoos around his arms, and Hobie played with his hair.

They didn't have patrol that week, and Miles's school decided to 2 weeks off of school for the kids mental health, and because they've been working a lot.

Miles suddenly stopped tracing the marks on Hobies arm, and was in deep thought.

It was a question he never thought he'd be thinking of, but he decided too ask.

"Hobes..?" Miles tapped twice on his arm, to tell him he had a question.

"Yeah flower?" Hobie felt for Miles hand, holding it while he asked his question.

"If we ever had sex..who would top-"

"Me obviously love." Hobie really didn't take into consideration what he said, or what the question was, and just answered.

Miles was shocked by his sudden answer, and flicked his hand away from Hobie.

"Really? Your answer was so quick, you really think you could top me?"

"What? U asked, and I gave an answer."

"Hobes you didn't even think about it, I mean reallyy think about it."

Hobie though he back too a time they tried it, and Miles was correct. Hobie was really sensitive around his neck and chest. He even started crying because the pleasure.

He started to blush a little bit, turning a bright red.

"Miles that doesn't count, we didn't even jus teased me.."

"Yeah, I teased you. And you cried from the stimulation" Miles kissed Hobies hand, reassuring him that it was fine that he cried during sex, or he hopes he got the hint.

"Don't care what u say, I'd top you, and I'm sure of it."

"Alright, maybe you could, but your more of a switch babe."

"Thas' a bunch of nag can tease me, but no way you can do tha'."

Miles was getting fed up that Hobie didn't think he could mange him. So he came up with a slick idea.

"Oh really amor?"

Miles was already sitting up a little, and intertwined his hand with  Hobie's then pulled himself up, making Hobie's hand come  up above his head, and pinned too the wall.

Hobie was about too say something, but was quickly silenced by Miles pressing his lips against Hobies, only releasing too breathe.

Then suddently, Miles pulled away.

"Are you okay with this Hobes? Just tell me too stop and I will."

Hobie was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down. He didn't want too give up his pride of Miles not being able too top him, but it was far too late for that. So he nodded slightly, covering his face from embarrassment.

Miles smiled, grabbing the side of Hobie's neck, placing small kisses on it, not wanting to over simulate him because of his sensitive spots.

"A-ah!~ fuck Miles.. w-whY~ their..? Mm..!~"

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