its alright, dont cry.

816 20 7

hobie has anorexia.

Hobie has an eating disorder.

It wasn't very extreme, but due too not being able to keep food down, he usually just skipped meals.

Miles knew about this, and helped him all the time.

Some days were harder than others. Hobie would sometimes freak out, thinking he was going to vomit.

Having emetophobia, and anorexia wasn't great.

Third Person POV

Miles walked through the portal too Hobies apartment.

He saw Hobie sitting on his couch comfortably, reading something.

"Hey Hobes!" Miles walked over to
Hobie, hugging him from behind.

"Ello luv." He kissed Miles hand and continued to read.

"What are you reading?"


Miles rolled his eyes, plopping down on the couch.

He watched Hobies eyes scan the book. Reading it closely.

"Hobes, did you eat anything today?"

Hobie stopped reading. He looked up from the book. "Yeah.. "

"Hobes we've talked about this."

"I did eat sumthin.."

"Your hands shake when you lie Hobie."

Hobie looked down to see his fingers shaking slightly, covering his hand. He let out a grunt and a groan, putting his hands in his face.

"Wut if I-"

"You won't. I promise." Miles got up, going into Hobies kitchen to make him something too eat.

Hobie wasn't happy about it.

Every now and then, Hobie gets that gut feeling of him throwing up and it haunts him.

Not as bad as it used to be though.

He would have panic attacks even thinking about it.

"Hobes I'm done.." he walked into the room to find Hobie with his face in his hands.

"Awh, Hobies." Miles lifted his hands from his face. Revealing vividly red eyes and wetness around his eyes.

"It's alright, don't cry. Can you take a couple of bites for me?"

He starred at the food, picking it up and taking a small bite. Miles sat down beside him. Holding his upper waist and stomach area.

Hobie took bite after bite. Trying not to be alarmed by the waves in his stomach.

He suddenly felt sick. He deeply tried to ignore it, saying it was in his head, but it was obviously not in his head.

"-M-miles I think-" Unable to finish the sentence, he ran into his bathroom and vomited.

It came back.

He was upset.

His throat burned and so did his eyes.

Miles wasn't far behind, rubbing his back until he finished.

"hey, hey, it's okay you tried. I know you did Hobie, I'm so proud of you."

Hobie breathed shaky, trying to keep himself from panicking, but he couldn't keep himself from crying heavily.

"I've got you Hobes, we're gonna get through this.. I promise.."

"You also promised that this wuldnt appen' agin..". Hobie got through his sobs.

"That's out of are control Hobes, I was saying that to make you feel better."

"I just won't eat-"

"Not letting you starve Hobie. Your already very malnourished, I've got to help you."

Hobie cupped his mouth, still crying. He felt arms wrap around his waist.

Ended this one sad.

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