dont remember.

530 16 9

You TW: past trauma.

fluffy angst.

this is following my recent a/n, my writing will be a bit different, maybe.

Hobie was the nonchalant friend.

He never brought up deep topics, such as past trauma, or his past relationships with people, or his family.

He kept his feels hidden from his friends, bundled up inside. He rarely shared them with Miles, which Miles didn't mind.  He knew some pretty deep topics, the ones he was only trusted with.

There was one thing Hobie had dreaded telling Miles. And it broke his heart.

The topic confused Hobie. He didn't understand why talking about it to someone was so nessacary, or how it was supposed too make you feel better. For Hobie, it gave him something else too worry about. His person information being off to whoever the fuck knows where.

So, he kept it to himself. And tried to avoid things that reminded him about anything.

third person POV:

The gang usually hung out twice every 2 weeks.

It consisted of Patvir, Hobie, Gwen, and Miles.

Of course Patvir had some kind of date shit with his girlfriend, so he couldn't make the hangout this week.

They hung out in random universes, but this time they settled for Miles  universe, instead of trying to find some goofy versions of themselves, and scare them popshitless with their "doppelgänger". They all just bought drinks and talked in the park.

Hobie felt himself getting more weird stares, although he assumed it was because he was changing colors every second.

There was this one woman though, who was sitting across from the bench they were chilling on, who kept eyeing Hobie. Maybe she was just more curious than others, or maybe she really thought something was wrong with Hobie, that he was some kind of alien or some shit, the way she intensely starred at him.

It was starting to get pretty cold outside. Miles hadn't broughten his jacket, but his house wasn't far, so he decided to fetch it.

"I'll be back right back, going to grab my jacket." He scurried off into alleyway, and swung between houses where nobody could see him.

He slid right through his window, scanned his room for his jacket, found it, and began climbing out the window.

"MILES, AMOR, IS THAT YOU?" He paused as he heard his mom call him, he groaned before responding.

"Uh- yeah mama! Need anything? I'm going out!"

"Miles, what did I tell you about leaving through the window? Use the front door estimado!"

"Sorry! Force of habit mama!"

Miles  closed his window. He opened his door, and smiled at his mom, before opening their apartment door and leaving.

Once he was far away enough from the apartment, he began to swing back to the spot the group was hanging out at.

But when he got there, the two of them were gone. Miles looked around for his friends, trying to find any track of them.

The only thing he noticed, was that white woman who was practically stalking the group was gone.

He was about to call Gwen, but then his senses went off a bit, so he turned around.

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